What cheeses me off part 5, bloody Carparks at concert venues. So - TopicsExpress


What cheeses me off part 5, bloody Carparks at concert venues. So you arrive at the concert venue looking forward to a great day/night. You are greeted by the car park Nazi who grunts at you and demands you hand over your bucks. He sends you on your way and you head towards some idiot in a high vis vest waving his arms around like some demented fool. Yes mate, I can see you and know where I need to drive, I do not need your animated theatrics. So you park your car and just as you are about to open the door a car pulls in beside you and they hurriedly open their doors and nearly smash in to yours. So you patiently allow them to go first, even though you arrived before them. You head off to the entrance gates which seem like 5 miles away. You go through the entrance, again now meeting the front gate Nazis, what is it with these people they hire at concerts, ever heard of a smile and some courtesy? So you get inside and head straight to the bar for a much earned drink. You get a shock at the prices, see previous rant, same goes for the crap food offerings. The concert goes off, you walk out on such a high. Now time to find the car, it is like someone has turned the car park around during the concert. You walk around hopelessly lost until you finally find your beloved wheels. Some bastard has stuck some advertising material under your wiper blade, you dont realise this though in the dark until your on the highway and it flaps around annoying the crap out of you until it finally blows off, bummer you have missed out on a coke upgrade on a large family pizza. Anyway back in the car park every other concert goer has struck your problem with not finding there car so they are now all keen to hit the exit gate. Thousands of cars now descend upon the exit gate, just like seagulls fighting over a chip thrown at them at the beach. Common courtesy is thrown out the door here as everyone creeps forward inch by inch. After an hour you finally make the entrance gate, by the way, where are the carpark Nazis now, no where to be seen, every man for himself. You make the highway and guess what, Main Roads have decided to do some maintenance work, good on you guys, you have all year to do this essential repairs but it just happens to be on concert day. You finally get home 4 hours after the concert finished, in fact your travel time far exceeded the length of the concert, if your really lucky you may even be pulled aside by the boys in blue to provide a breath sample, oh joy can this night get even better. At Stanthorpe Rocks you will be greeted with genuine smiles and greetings by all of our crew which commences in the carpark with the boys from the Rural Fire Services. A gold coin donation is what Bill Humble and his crew will ask for. You know that this money goes to a great cause so no probs with this. A short walk to the front gate and be met by smiles and laughter. We want you to have a brilliant time at our concert. If like many of us and you are looking to have a drink, take the hassle of driving, the risk of the booze bus and catch the bus to and from the concert. It will pick you and your team up from all of the major accom places on the Granite Belt as well as Warwick and Tenterfield. We try to be different at Stanthorpe Rocks, it is not just about the music, its the experience.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:06:55 +0000

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