What course will the United States Congress take if China no - TopicsExpress


What course will the United States Congress take if China no longer purchases United States Debt? Where will the U.S. Department of the Treasury turn to raise capital, if they no longer have China Pay for the excess spending of the US Congress? If China no longer trades in US Dollars, what impact will this have on the Dollar being the Reserve Currency in which all goods and services are purchased internationally? What are the best investments to make if the Dollar is no longer the reserve currency of the world in the Next 10 years? Will Congress Require all 401Ks & IRAs to have a minimum amount of their holdings to be US Government Bonds in an effort to raise capital to fund the deficit spending? In a nutshell, three big and inter-related changes are under way. China’s appetite for US Treasury bonds, a cornerstone of the global economy for more than a decade, is waning. Beijing is ramping up its overseas development agenda to boost financial returns and serve key geopolitical interests. The promotion of the renminbi as an international currency is gradually liberating Beijing from the dollar zone, providing it with more latitude to open up to foreign portfolio investment flows. ft/cms/s/0/4ee67336-7edf-11e4-b83e-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz3LTKzHDaM Senator Harry Reid , Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio, David Jolly, Alan Grayson, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mitch McConnell, Speaker John Boehner, House Democrats, House Republicans, U.S. Senate Democrats, U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Republicans, Nancy Pelosi
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 06:11:10 +0000

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