What did Al-Hussein pbuh do on the day of Ashora to prove that he - TopicsExpress


What did Al-Hussein pbuh do on the day of Ashora to prove that he is an infallible Imam, that people ought to obey him, and that they are forbidden from fighting him? Or let the question be, what if Al-Hus- sein pbuh had turned the beard of Shimr bin Thul Jawshan to black on the day of Ashora, would Shimr still stay in the army of Yazeed or would he find himself compelled to join Al-Hussein pbuh and to behead Ibn Saad? I swear by Allah that it is a disgraceful truth for history to repeat it- self speck by speck and eye by eye,1 for people to be unaware of the truth and unable to distinguish Muhammad pbuhap from Abu Sufyan, or Ali pbuh from Muawiya or Al-Hussein pbuh from Yazeed. It is a tragedy for people to relapse to this level. It is as if we are talking to corpses who neither hear, realize, nor understand. What has Al-Hussein pbuh presented in Karbala to prove himself the khalifah (successor) of Allah swt in His land? O People, have you asked yourselves this question before you blindly follow the clerics of misguidance with no consideration or pondering? What has Al-Hussein pbuh presented in Karbala? He presented the will of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad pbuhap, which is in his father Ali pbuh, his brother Al Hassan pbuh, himself and his sons pbut. He exhibited his knowledge and presented the banner of the supremacy of Allah swt which he alone carried in opposition to the banner of the supremacy of people, the ban- ner carried by the opposing line which opposed his grandfather, his fa- ther and his brother pbut before. What else has Al-Hussein pbuh presented? He presented the vi- sions1 of his holy family and his companions and their revelations.2 He presented the vision of Wahab Al-Nasrani who saw Jesus pbuh urging him to follow and support Al-Hussein pbuh. He presented the revela- tion of Al-Horr Al-Reyahi who heard a voice promising him paradise as he departed Al-Kufa. O people, what have we brought to you today? Have we brought you an invented doctrine which was not brought by the prophets, succes- sors, Messenger of Allah Muhammad pbuh, Ali pbuh, Al-Hassan pbuh, Al-Hussein pbuh or the Imams from the offspring of Al-Hussein pbuh?
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:50:39 +0000

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