What did last nights meeting about Manston Airport at Thanet - TopicsExpress


What did last nights meeting about Manston Airport at Thanet District Council mean? The Secretary of State is involved today. We did a question and answer session at the beer session at TG last night with some very key people who are working on this 12 hours a day. Thanks to all who came ! This is my summary of the very extended discussion. The council has voted to take no action for now, Riveroak commented as they left the chamber they will send all there information to the Government this morning. This will allow the government to comment for instance if the approach taken by the 151 officers report complies with the government guidance for CPO process. Clr Binks last night gave a very erudite statement pointing at the sections where IT DOES NOT. So finally this is in the hands of some politicians and civil servants who are experienced in international business deals, it is in the hands of someone who will be responsible for the next stages to make the CPO final, those stages would follow if Thanet District Council vote the CPO through. The decision on the CPO is still with TDC. However the secretary of state can comment on that 151 report. A bit like having your homework sent to the the headmaster... personally i think that 151 officer should be putting a book down his trousers! If there is a public enquiry if Anne Gloag decides to challenge the CPO the result of the public enquiry would go to the Secretary of State for the CPO to be made final, (or not). Iris has said for some time TDC cannot be financially responsible for this alone, but RIveroak have said all the bills will be theirs if they are selected. So what will the full council make of the advice of the Secretary of State? Is it credible that the TDC cabinet decide to ignore the advice of the Secretary of State and the team of experts who support him ? It must be clear by now to all TDC councillors that this will not be spun out to May, a vote of no confidence proposed by TDC councillors is on the cards, if TDC leadership cant just vote to GIVE THANET BACK ITS AIRPORT !
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:28:10 +0000

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