What did the Disciples do on Monday? Did you ever wonder? What - TopicsExpress


What did the Disciples do on Monday? Did you ever wonder? What was the day after the Resurrection like? I cant begin to imagine. Its not exactly like the first day back at work after a vacation. Or the day after your birthday. After all, something radical had just shifted not only their lives but all of Creation. Its not like something new had been added, but rather ALL THINGS had been made new! What do you do after that happens? It took awhile to learn this newness. Many of them actually went back to fishing. No, really. Fishing. Not sport fishing, their jobs. Until they saw Jesus again, that is. So yes, when you come to know Jesus you are made entirely new. No more sin nature. And yet it is possible to return to sin. After all, its all you know. At least until you see Jesus again... After any radical shift in your life it is important to keep your eyes fixed on the One who has done the shifting. It is in Him that your new identity is learned and lived out.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 15:29:48 +0000

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