What did you do wrong O Miqdad ???... asked Prophet (salllahu - TopicsExpress


What did you do wrong O Miqdad ???... asked Prophet (salllahu alihuwa sallam) Al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad said, “My friends and I arrived in Madinah and met people, but nobody accepted us as guests. We thus came to the Prophet and mentioned to him what had happened. He hosted us in his house where he had four goats and said: ‘Milk them, O Miqdad. Divide them up in four portions and have one each.’ This is what I would do each day.” Every evening, al-Miqdad would milk the goats, drink from them, along with his friends, and leave a portion for the Prophet . If the Prophet was present he would drink it there and then, and if he was absent, they would preserve it for him until he returned. One evening, al-Miqdad milked the goats as usual and portioned it into four, drunk it along with his friends and left a portion for the Prophet to drink when he returned. The Prophet however, got delayed. Al-Miqdad laid down in his bed and thought to himself, “Perhaps, the Prophet went to some Ansari’s house where they gave him dinner. Maybe I can drink his portion of milk!” His soul kept whispering to him until he eventually got up and drunk it, not leaving anything for the Prophet ! Al-Miqdad said, “When the milk entered my stomach, I was very much taken by what had happened and felt remorse. I thought to myself that perhaps the Prophet would arrive at any time, hungry and thirsty, only to find his utensil empty, and thereupon he may even pray against me! I covered my face with my blanket.”, (due to sorrow). After a while, the Prophet came and greeted people loud enough for those who were awake to hear without disturbing those who were asleep. Al-Miqdad was still lying in his bed looking at the Prophet . The Prophet turned to his utensil to find it empty. He raised his gaze to the sky, and as he did that, al-Miqdad became terrified and thought, “Now he is going to pray against me!” But he was to be surprised at what he heard. He heard the Prophet pray, “O Allah! Quench the thirst of whoever quenches mine, and feed whoever feeds me.” When al-Miqdad heard this, he thought to himself, “Take benefit of the Prophet’ prayer!” He got up, took a knife and approached the goats to pick one, slaughter it, and feed it to the Prophet . He began to feel the goats to see which of them was the meatiest and most fitting to be slaughtered. Meanwhile, his hands fell on the udders of one of the goats, and it was full of milk. He looked at the other goat and it too was full of milk! He then noticed that they all had milk. He milked them all in a large utensil until it became full to the brim. He then took it to the Prophet and said, “Drink, O Messenger of Allah!” When the Messenger of Allah saw the amount of milk, he said, “Did you not drink your portions, O Miqdad?” He replied, “Just drink, O Messenger of Allah…” He said, “What happened?” Al-Miqdad replied, “Drink first, and then I will tell you what happened…” The Prophet drank some and then handed over the utensil to al-Miqdad. Al-Miqdad said, “Drink, O Messenger of Allah…” He drank and gave it to al-Miqdad, but he said again, “Drink, O Messenger of Allah!” Al-Miqdad then completed the story and said, “When I realised that the Prophet’s thirst had been quenched, and that I was therefore worthy of being blessed by his prayer: ‘O Allah! Quench the thirst of whoever quenches mine, and feed whoever feeds me’, I laughed so much that I fell on the floor!” Upon seeing this, the Prophet said, “What did you do wrong?” He said, “O Messenger of Allah, you returned late today, and I was still hungry. I thought to myself that perhaps the Messenger of Allah had something to eat whilst visiting some Ansar…” He related to him the full story, including the fact that the goats were milked twice in one evening very unusually. Even the Prophet became amazed as to how can the goats’ udders became full so quickly, for it is impossible for a goat to be milked twice in an evening! The Prophet said, “This was only due to Allah’s mercy. If you were to have informed me of this before I finished the milk, perhaps you could have awoken your two friends to share in this, too.” Al-Miqdad said, “I swear by the one who has sent you with the truth, so long as you are a recipient of Allah’s mercy and I have a share in that, I don’t care whoever receives Allah’s mercy after us!” Point of view… Life is all about give and take, so give more than you take.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:00:58 +0000

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