What disturbs me; guns get the blame in this article from leaders - TopicsExpress


What disturbs me; guns get the blame in this article from leaders in Phillipines. When people blame objects over the evil actions of individuals, murders will rise. That is when the media looks stupid asking; "Why did this happen? What is the reason why this person kills?" When evil actions are ignored and silence to deal with evil has no reaction. Fearing the weapon weakens us. Til we worldwide stand against evil individuals; these murders will continie to happen. Gun control laws and comments like this article; makes it seem guns are moving themselves targeting innocent people. Gun control dictators want us to believe guns search for their shooter to pull their trigger. Guns walk down a street and find a moron to persuade to shoot them. The gun jumps into the morons hand drags the criminal to shoot innocent people. Our gun problems are how our educated to be stupid to live life by public schools. While paganism and other acts of witchcraft are permitted, ACLU and Freedom from Religion chooses to push out the form of structure schools have. Christianity being pushed out of public life is why things like the shooting in the Phillipines happen. To add; there are evil organizations like the mafia and secret societies that are professional killers. When will people learn good starts with the individualsn but collectivism is the path to corruption. A mob persuades an individual from the innocense of good in ones life. This corruption destroys individualism and the ability for work to never to finish. Only when individuals each perform their talents, that is when good things will happen. Gun control laws will keep individuals from our strengths. It is the beginning of suppressing our freedoms into oppressions to poverty. When we become product of the federal government, we will be controlled what our habits will be. This is not freedom. It is slavery from the use of our poverty for a few politians. Even the hint of blaming guns, is a hint for gun control laws. The end is slavery.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:50:18 +0000

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