What do I find so amusing on how the world is criticizing Israel - TopicsExpress


What do I find so amusing on how the world is criticizing Israel for defending herself? For calling them terrorist and that they are committing war-crimes against humanity... Because civilians are being killed in Gaza? (We can go into details on why and how these innocent civilians are being killed, and how the responsibility for these deaths is entirely in the hands of Hamas.) But I digress... Lets travel back in time, and go back to WWII. Japan attacks America. The assault, which lasted less than two hours, claimed the lives of more than 2,500 people, wounded 1,000 more and damaged or destroyed 18 American ships and nearly 300 airplanes. Almost half of the casualties at Pearl Harbor occurred on the naval battleship USS Arizona, which was hit four times by Japanese bombers. Be it was an invasion and a tragedy, but this attack of Pearl Harbor took the lives of 2,500 people, (wounding 1,000 more and 18 ships and nearly 300 airplanes). A tragedy? Yes. But minor to what happens next, (on the scale of things.) This attack on America, this breach of American soil, and we go APE-CRAZY on them. We drop, not one, but two god-damned atomic bombs on them. Killing not just a couple civilians, but over 140,000 people were killed! On Aug. 6, 1945, during World War II, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. About 140,000 people were killed or died within months when the American B-29 “Enola Gay” bombed Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. Three days later, about 80,000 people died after the United States also bombed Nagasaki. But please, my dear reader, what happened after that? What happened after the United States of America killed, (murdered? nope), over one hundred thousand people? What happened literally a few days later? Surprise, surprise. Did Japan surrender? Well, how about that? Amazing? Right? Should we scream and shout its not fair! Should we say its unjust because the American army was more powerful, and therefore they should have showed (heres one of my new favorite words) restraint? NO! of course not. Say what you will. Say it was the killing of innocent. But Japan never attacked again. America did what had to be done to defend herself. The crisis going on right now in the Middle East is unfortunate. My heart goes out to all of the families who have lost children. It pulls on my heart every time an innocent dies. But the matter at hand is not so cut and dry. One cannot compare Israel to Hamas. (For a multitude of reasons, and a different discussion.) But Hamas, in Gaza, is the Enemy. And this is war. I repeat. This Is War. This is not some diplomatic, political game. For years now, thousands of rockets have been fired and directed toward civilians in Israel. And Israel has not only the right, but absolutely should and needs to defend itself. [And in my humble opinion, I hope they obliterate and decimate all of Hamas to the extent that theyre wiped off the face of the earth... But hey, thats just me.] (Oh, and for those of you who want a challenge, go look up the definition of murder. And see how this is specifically what Hamas is guilty of, and I dare say, Israel is not.) עם ישראל חי
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:22:25 +0000

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