What do I see is the biggest problem in the fitness industry? The - TopicsExpress


What do I see is the biggest problem in the fitness industry? The APPEARANCE of health has been sold to us as a higher priority than THE PRESENCE of actual healthy life itself. That appearance has been productized, owned by those who profit on their products addictive failure: the more you buy, the more you need to get the same result, with diminishing effect and escalating costs. We are in an information war of appearance and disease assaulting function and health. Following their ever-contradictory flip-flopped opinions, we only become fit for injury and short life. Young minds remain vulnerably unaware, and the truth is carefully concealed through deceptive marketing practices of the good ole boy mastermind networking syndicates. Years from now, when true education of nutritional health and functional fitness becomes mainstream, when the average consumer becomes desensitized to the manipulations of these profiteers, we will look back upon this era as one of humanitys greatest generationally inherited slaveries. It is a prison of self loathing, a burial of personal empowerment which must be exhumed, and reanimated. The psychological terrorism the media proliferates by falsely portraying digitally fake imagery, an air-brushed and botoxed smudge into a corset of fantasy, demands our vigilance and our spoken objection. What young minds are mutated into lethal deprecation through messages products like the Kardashians starve your way thin caffeine diet? They are ubiquitous, like a mental plague cancerously devouring our wills. These products insult the very divinity of our existence... And they mean to reach our children with this perverse message from which they aim to profit at the cost of their innocent minds strength. Object. Talk to your kids. Assure them of their exuberant perfection now. And do the same for each other to inoculate our communities against the underlying message these products transmit like Trojan horses into our hearts. Read for free my nutritional guidebook, no catches or tricks, no shortcuts or gimmicks: primaleatinggift We are Legion, Scott Sonnon Chief. Operations Officer RMAX International RMAXInternational
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:39:52 +0000

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