What do Motorcycles have to do with Microloans??? Meet Joseph… - TopicsExpress


What do Motorcycles have to do with Microloans??? Meet Joseph… Joseph got to enjoy the luxury of school until age 12, until family funds could no longer cover the cost of school uniforms needed to attend secondary study. That’s when Joseph turned to the waters and fishing became a passion. For many years, Joseph and childhood friend Ramond worked side by side. Each morning they would cast their nets in the wee hours, and by full sunrise their small catch would be sprawled along the beach for baking. Here, the fish would bake in the sun and once all were procured the men would begin the three mile walk into town. At the local market dried fish sell for .50 cents a kilo. On good days, after waking at 4am…having prepared nets, collected their catch, separated their fish, and journeyed the three mile trek (often uphill) in 90 degree heat to the local market… the friends walked away with $5 to be split between them. Now, for a country where most villagers make under $1.25 a day…this appears a thriving enterprise. However, what if Joseph was given a small loan to buy a cooler to put his fish in… What if, as part of that loan, he could pay a motor cyclist to take his fish from beach to market. Now, Joseph doesn’t have dried fish, but fresh fish, which bring bigger returns. Furthermore, in paying the cyclist to take the fish to market…Joseph has more time to fish, and the cyclist now has a potential business /income as well. Imagine the potential for profit…imagine the business development ...Imagine the increase in standard of living….Imagine. Join us at watersbeyondwaters Lets bring real change!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:51:01 +0000

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