What do notions of true health and true responsibility have to do - TopicsExpress


What do notions of true health and true responsibility have to do with good governance? An excerpt from Chapter XI – “True Faith and the Three Portents,” of A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health… Political parties in democratic societies employ faith in the party platforms and philosophies they promote and claim to adhere to. They compete for a finite number of seats, and ideally, this is a good thing. It is important that one group or another does not become too powerful. Even so, when individuals or groups in any political party become hateful and greedy, the fundamental well-meaning political philosophies of the party can fall to the wayside. Vicious grandstanding and blindly obstinate behavior can become more and more the norm – versus the spirit of healthful democratic compromise (for the betterment of the people they represent). As is often seen, negativity and one-upmanship can become the dominant factor in the practical application. Greed is at times displayed – whether through financial graft or in ‘doing-what-one-needs-to-do’ in order to win or hold onto the perceived power and notoriety of a seat. If a significant percentage of constituents do not take true responsibility for themselves and become more and more broadly educated – able to think objectively/critically about the realities of their political system…their world, then their ignorance will be prey to lies and twisted propaganda promoted by compromised officials. Over significant periods of time, such bad behavior may have truly frightful effects on a society. Not unlike religions, if political parties do not respect the spirit of basic good principles – if they set aside significant levels of fundamental healthful dignity and decency (which they claim to espouse), then all might be lost. It may sound naïve and quaint when contrasted with the world of politics, albeit the Golden Rule should be applied here also: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The notion of Acting Without Acting – doing the right thing for the right sake without the need for selfish recognition, actually sounds quite odd, and once again, “naïve and quaint,” when contrasted with contemporary politics. How sad. It is unlikely that important/necessary and substantive reform and/or legislation will be realized if a majority of individuals in political parties do not realize a well-meaning, honest, and healthful faith in their philosophies. Throughout history, nations and cultures have fallen apart when too many of their people lost sight of and/or faith in, their most fundamental principles – principles which must be congruent with a spirit of healthful self-respect and compassion. In order for humankind to further evolve, these principles must be at the heart of human endeavor – at least a majority of the time. -- Dr. Glen Hepker (Copyright 2011)
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 22:02:29 +0000

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