What do people have against the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and - TopicsExpress


What do people have against the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and raising money for ALS? Ive wracked my brain and cant see anything wrong with it, so enlighten me. Ive seen a lot of people saying that there are other charities in the world and worse diseases than ALS that kill more people, so maybe people should donate to those instead. I was never aware that there was an elitist approach to what people should donate their own money to until some of the posts Ive seen lately. I dont wanna be heartless, but- Excuse me for being heartless, but let me just say- I know this is gonna sound heartless, but this ALS stuff- I swear Im not heartless, but listen- If you have to apologize for being heartless or you try to convince yourself that you arent, chances are youre being pretty damn heartless. I know there are other charities in the world. I know there are other diseases. I know you probably hate any and all fads, especially fad donations. A majority of those other charities and diseases receive more funding and donations annually than ALS, except for this year. This one single year. Because of a fad. Let them have their spotlight. Many people that have donated this year have never donated before in their lives, but now, thanks to *GASP* a fad, they have. They might even donate again next year. Maybe to another charity now that the donation bug has gotten them. Fads are fads. Eventually the hype will die down and you can go back to watching news about the latest Miley Cyrus escapade or your favorite flavor of cat videos. But let ALS research have their spotlight this one time. It might be a rare disease, but for people afflicted with it, its an everyday thing. If youre so passionate about where donated money should go, I dare you to find an ALS family and tell them why they dont deserve the money thats been donated this year. You can even tell them that youre not usually this heartless.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:21:29 +0000

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