What do people mean by Muslim lands? Does that include Lebanon, - TopicsExpress


What do people mean by Muslim lands? Does that include Lebanon, which was 84% Christian less than 100 years ago? Even today Lebanon is at least 40% Christian. Thanks to the persecutions and Palestinian refugee crisis, which triggered a brutal civil war in the 70s, there are now more Christian Lebanese living in Brazil than there are in Lebanon. And why was Palestine Muslim land? In 1848 for example, the Christians and Jews formed a large majority in the city of Jerusalem - thats long before the mass immigration of European Jews. In fact, at the time Israel was created, somewhere around 800,000 Jews from the surrounding Arab states fled into Israel to get away from the wave of anti-Semitism and persecution that came with the first Arab attacks on the new Jewish state. By comparison, only 300,000 Palestinians fled Israel, and that wasnt because they had to (with a few limited exceptions where vigilante Jewish groups forced Arabs out of villages in strategic areas). On the whole, Jewish leaders urged the Arab Muslims to stay, but the Palestinian leadership insisted that they leave and promised that they and the surrounding Arab armies would quickly wipe the Jews out and then give them their land back plus more. Those Palestinians who decided to stay in Israel continue to live within Israel today and have full citizenship - along with far greater human rights and freedoms than in any other state in the Middle East. Think about that. Palestinian Muslim Arabs who staying in Israel live side by side with Jews and enjoy equal rights. There is no apartheid. That all happens in the neighbouring states. And those Palestinians who fled constitute the only refugee population in history that has been refused right of settlement in surrounding Arab states - even though most of the Palestinians actually came from Jordan or Egypt originally anyway. If the Middle East is Muslim lands, then is North America and Europe Christian lands? If so, what does this mean politically? Should we evacuate all of the non Muslims out of the Middle East, and put all the Muslims currently in Europe on trains back to their own Muslim lands? The very idea is repugnant, and thats why whenever I hear people on about Muslim lands I know theres bullshit to follow. Im not denying that Muslims form an overwhelming majority across all of the countries in the Middle East (except Lebanon and Israel). But these territories were conquered by force, with the indigenous populations forced to convert to Islam. Thats no glowing record. And today the waves of sickening persecutions, forced conversions and indiscriminate violence continue. These lands, formerly under the Ottoman (Turkish) empire, were multiracial, tribal, multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, religiously diverse and shared by ancient cultures that are more in the class of world heritage, rather than the property of one particular group in the region. Some blame the Americans for getting rid of the dictators who were allegedly keeping things under control (Newspeak for managing primitive tribalism and racism). In my view, those dictators had to go because they were perpetuating all of the myths, about colonialism, American imperialism and of course, Israel and the Jews. The big lie those governments all propagated was that the Western economies (ie the open democracies that favour free enterprise) are under Zionist capitalist control and that every intervention in the Middle East has been part of a conspiracy by the Jews to control the world. We see shocking scenes of brutality by ISIL, but thats actually been going on all along under the Arab states. The Palestinian leadership, which sided with the Nazis during WW II because they too wanted to implement a final solution to the Jewish problem in the Middle East, has never abandoned its twisted ideology and so today they still cant accept the existence of Israel, even though the Palestinian people were given 80% of the land in the British Mandate territory (which included modern Israel and Jordan). Although the Palestinians form well over 60% of the population of Jordan, they have no political rights and are effectively disenfranchised (unlike Palestinians within Israel). And as Ive mentioned before, there is evidence that most of the Palestinian refugees currently claiming that their land was stolen were actually originally from either Jordan or Egypt! Aside from the fact that only 300,000 fled Israel in 1948, today over 6 million claim that their land in Israel was stolen by the Jews! Nobody says a word about this. Nobody cares a damn about the 6 million Palestinians suffering in Jordan. People allege that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. That is utter rubbish. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 13,000 Israelis and Palestinians were killed in conflict with each other between 1948 and 1997. Thats 13,000 dead on BOTH SIDES in 60 years, including full scale wars. The Jordanian government alone killed up to 20,000 Palestinian civilians (mostly non-combatants including women and children) in the Black September massacres in Jordan, September 1971. Nobody remembers this today, for some strange reason. Only Israel is guilty, only the Jews occupy Muslim lands Makes me sick! You can be sure that even if the rest of the world disengages from the Middle East completely, even if every Jew and Christian flees the hell out of there like those poor Jazidis who ended up perched on a mountain in the middle of nowhere with no food or water, there will still be a mess in the Middle East. The problem has nothing to do with Jews or Americans. The problems were all there long before Israel was even hinted at, and will continue long after Israel is destroyed. I personally believe that we share a common humanity and have an obligation to intervene. I have no idea how this should happen, but if the sickness is not stopped, it will continue to grow (fester) and will reach us anyway. This might be in the form of masses of refugees, or the complete destruction of entire races of people (aside from Christians or Jews, or Yazidis and Zoroastreans etc) including Muslim minorities in every part of the region. And even if the rest of the world stands by and lets all of this happen, they will go after the rest of the world anyway. The goal of an Islamic Caliphate is GLOBAL, not restricted to the so-called Muslim lands of the Middle East. We had to destroy Hitler, or he would have continued in his quest for world domination. We had to destroy the Soviet Union, or they would have continued in their quest for world domination. And now we have to destroy the notion of an Islamic Caliphate. Like Mein Kampf, the dream of a Caliphate is not shy of speaking openly about its intentions. Its agents like Hamas call openly for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews wherever they may be found (ie not only in the Middle East). The imposition of Sharia law will destroy the rights of women, gays and minorities, and result in a brutal form of totalitarianism that would make all of the monsters of history (Hitler, Stalin and Mao) proud. So we have to intervene, whether we like it or not. It will be a long road, but probably not as long as we think. The world is changing fast. Apartheid ended, the Berlin Wall came down as Communism died with a whimper. The Catholic dictatorships in Iberia managed peaceful transitions. The recent Arab spring movements showed many promising signs. We have to just keep on engaging with people and trying to ensure a balance of powers between the competing groups, whilst striving to build a coalition of moderate forces. Overall, what gives me hope is that most people in the Middle East dont actually want to live under a dark ISIL-like Caliphate. Those are the hidden voices we need to support and work with. Well get there. [ Brynn Binnell]
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 09:10:27 +0000

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