What do the right wing @GuidoFawkes of the @TheSunNewspaper think - TopicsExpress


What do the right wing @GuidoFawkes of the @TheSunNewspaper think about the #BedroomTax #Disabled #Unemployed? You might come across this on a blog post by Guido Fawkes last year: Standing up for “the #disabled”! LOL! The so-called disabled of this country are mainly financially inactive and contribute nothing (in an economic sense). Yet they think just because they were born a certain way they deserve help from the #taxpayer (the productive forces of Britain) to live a “normal” life. They’re lucky we let them live in the first place. As a #business owner, I always despair when a disabled person applies for a job. No, I’m not going to hire someone who uses their disability or health as an excuse to be less productive. I’m not going to hire someone who thinks they have the right to force me to make modifications to the workplace. It’s time their homes were freed up for productive workers. Place them in for-profit #workhouses so these people can contribute something again. The existence of the extreme right is hardly news. The immature “anti-PC” atmosphere of Guido Fawkes’s blog makes it the sort of place where the anarcho-capitalist and neo-Nazi strands of right wing thinking are likely to bump into each other. Some ideas and policies take fundamental values about the equal value of different people and take them in a different direction from ours. Sometimes, that leads to horrid outcomes – the Bedroom Tax, the #BenefitCap, undermining the #NHS – but the people who believe in these policies haven’t necessarily abandoned those values. You can argue for #BenefitCuts because you think it will liberate #poor and #vulnerable people, not harm them. Obviously, I disagree, but supporting obnoxious policies doesn’t make you an obnoxious person. What is obnoxious is the abandonment of an equal regard for everyone else. Which is why I’m less worried about 10 Downing Street’s policies than the way it argues for them. Encouraging the rest of us to despise people “sleeping off a life on benefits” and encouraging a negative perception of disabled people is a threat to the mutual #respect a decent society requires. #Claimants are not a breed apart. The overwhelming majority are decent people trying to do the best for their #families and keen to make a contribution to #society. We can disagree about policies, but turning on decent people when they are vulnerable and making them scapegoats should be beyond the pale for everyone..
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:03:04 +0000

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