What do we do with new light? We must realize the time that - TopicsExpress


What do we do with new light? We must realize the time that were living in. We are in the final generation, and nothing of vital interest can be withheld any longer. Back in 1888, the big debate was over the law of Galatians. It wasnt time for that to become an issue yet, because we did not have all the light on it. But now that the light has come on the statutes that support the Ten Commandments, it is vital to understand what the law of Galatians is. Another example is the issue of the daily. Back in Sister Whites day, that issue was not to be discussed. But again, today we have more light. It is critical to understand what the daily is in order to understand the continual nature of MESSIYAHs sacrifice still taking place in heaven. This continual atonement is vital to understand, because it is one of the primary means for the 144,000 to stop sinning and be perfectly sealed. They will realize that every time they sin, it requires MESSIYAH to perform sacrifice for them in heaven; and that in order for Him to leave the Most Holy Place, their sins must cease by the ceasing of His blood. Now we have had a few rays of light on this in the book Great Controversy, but it was not time to make it very prominent. We did not have all the light that we do now. We did not fully realize the difference between His sacrifice on the cross and His sacrifices offered in heaven. We did not discern the difference between the corporate sacrifice and the personal sacrifices made in the Hebrew economy. Yet Mrs. White said that new light would be shed on the Hebrew economy and that this would be part of the Loud Cry. And then comes another example which is also related to the Hebrew economy: the distinction between the bullock and YAHUWAHs goat seen in Leviticus 16: the blood the bears sin and the blood that cleanses and removes sin, thus the two-fold atonement of MESSIYAH. Therefore, in Sister Whites day, the time hadnt come for us to understand the incarnation. But she did clue us that this was a very fruitful field for study. Light has come to us now in this final generation that it took an infinite sacrifice to save the human race, and that this was made in the incarnation. And this is what comes to us as the Latter Rain, for it is the pouring out of MESSIYAHs life to give us the greatest gift ever, even the Holy Spirit--the soul of His life. Before we could not see that the Holy Spirit and Latter Rain was the outpouring of our MESSIYAH as an infinite sacrifice. Therefore, the Early Rain was without this understanding. We received the Holy Spirit by faith, but we could never receive the full outpouring because we lacked the understanding that it came through the sacrificial outpouring of the Lamb. And it is this very Latter Rain we need in order to be fully sealed to the point of never tasting death. Therefore... The plan of redemption shall come to His people as the latter rain: for they are fast losing their connection with ELOHIM. They are trusting in man, and glorifying man, and their strength is proportionate to the strength of their dependence. Some matters have been opened before me which will be fulfilled ere long. We are to know more than we do at the present time. We are to comprehend the deep things of ELOHIM. There are themes to be dwelt upon which are worthy of more than a passing notice. Angels have desired to look into the truths which are revealed to the people who are searching ELOHIMs Word and with contrite hearts praying for wisdom, for greater lengths and breadths and heights of that knowledge which ELOHIM alone can give. Hundreds of commentaries have been written upon the gospel by men who are called great, and as we near the closing scenes of this earths history still more wonderful representations will be made. We need to study the Scriptures with humble, contrite hearts. Those who will devote their powers to the study of Gods Word, and especially the prophecies referring to these last days, will be rewarded by the discovery of important truths” (Manuscript Releases, Vol. 1, p. 195). So now that all the light is coming that we will receive on this side of eternity, are the truths associated with it any less than important? In times past things were either passed by that deserved more than a passing notice: such as the statutes of the Torah, MESSIYAHs atonement in heaven, and the incarnation. We saw that these things were all good, but we did not comprehend their greater lengths and breadth and heights (which ELOHIM alone can give). We but vaguely understood the plan of redemption. We could not connect the incarnation, the cross, and the Heavenly Sanctuary together; they were vague, incomplete, and disconnected in our minds. Yet ever since 1848 we have been sealed by that same faith of the Three Angels, just without the full understanding of that everlasting gospel. There were issues such as the daily and the law of Galatians that would only cause unnecessary division; they would have little effect being separate from the greater light (the plan of redemption). But now we are in the time of shaking, ever since the stock market crash of 2008 and the harbinger of 9/11 (previous Sabbatical). Things that were once not worth discussing are now meat for due season since these things are no longer disconnected from the greater important truths regarding the plan of redemption. We should still avoid discussions, debates, and doctrinal arguments as much as possible as these bring little fruit. Yet Ive seen much of this among the feast-keeping circles. The focus is often on us--why we are not keeping the sacred days when they are clearly proven from Scripture. Yet the focus of these last days should be the plan of redemption. The Torah without MESSIYAH cannot save or redeem. But when we see MESSIYAH in that Torah, the Commandments and Statutes will all find their place in our discourses. The message will be carried not so much by argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of ELOHIM (Evangelism, p. 701). This is key to creating unnecessary division. The new light on the incarnation can quickly lead to a debate on the Trinity/Arian issue. Brent and I have fallen in this trap in the past. It is a slippery slope. I like Brents latest presentation. It is positive truth. It effectively conveys both the doctrine and the wonderful self-sacrificing love of our ELOHIM. The truth does not need all sorts of arguments. The proof-text method is valuable at times, but it gets to a point where all the arguments have long been laid and the truth becomes self-evident. Sometimes the most effective discourses use few but very strong arguments for its strength. Questions will often follow, and we may be obliged to produce additional supporting arguments; and we should know how to answer critical Bible passages that will likely be used to deny the light. But even then we should be very careful and discerning. We should be able to recognize if a person has any desire to learn or if that person just loves debating and living a life free of that light. We are living in a time when disunity is inevitable. We are transitioning from a time when it was important to grow into a worldwide body to a time when the truth matters most and “if unity could be secured only by the compromise of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war” (Great Controversy, p. 45). The spirit of reformation is being rekindled. Are we hoping to see the whole church revived? That time will never come (1 Selected Messages, p. 122). We should no longer be interested in great numbers. We should be interested in the purity of truth. We should have learned in the past generation (1968 to 2008) that we will lose numbers if we compromise the truth. And largely this is what is happening in North America. Many churches have mainly elderly members and unconsecrated youth, and once they die the churches would die if time were to go on. In the last 15 years we have seen a transition take place from this old generation into the new. We have seen such programs as GYC, ASI, and ARME arise to restore the foundations of our truth and lifestyle of our first generation (1848 to 1888). But we cannot stop there. We need to go beyond that first generation. MESSIYAH, nor His Latter Rain, attended them. It is time for new light. This final sealing light will connect all of our doctrines together that used to be incomplete and disconnected. It shines from the sacrificial side of MESSIYAH, thus showing that it is the plan of redemption that is to become the forefront of our messages. We also saw this from our experience in 1888. It is the everlasting gospel that is to be revived, and only then will the Torah find its rightful place. But there are many who pride themselves as feast-keepers, arguing more of the law. Without an emphasis on the gospel, they are fast becoming fanatical. The Loud Cry and Latter Rain to them becomes the feast days and connecting them with last day events, and perhaps making unbiblical connections with the 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2300, which have already been fulfilled. They fail to realize the entire purpose of the feasts. They pride themselves in disconnecting the sacrifices with the days, showing that one ended and the other continues, proving they are right. Yet ELOHIM never intended that such a disconnection be made. The sacrifices are the whole purpose of the feasts. The figures point to the facts of the true Sacrifice that continues in heaven; and this is why they are to be kept. Again, this true understanding places the everlasting gospel at the forefront. In honoring the monthly and yearly feasts, which support the weekly, we are supporting our MESSIYAH in heaven, whose blood will continue until we are completely cleansed therein. The feasts that continue testify to His Sacrifice that continues. Only secondarily does it also enable us to have the full seal of the living ELOHIM, with the Torah being kept--no longer in part. Here are some closing thoughts Id like to make... We should not be at all arrogant or obnoxious with the light that MESSIYAH sheds upon us. We need to allow for free choice. We need to be humble. We need to focus on the the self-sacrificing love of our Saviour and the healing rest it brings us (from sin and suffering). We should make the healing of our physical and mental components a large part of our work as well (not just the spiritual). As we see in vision, the new light of truth comes from the sacrificial side of MESSIYAH, thus His healing for the nations. There are multitudes--both within and without the Church--that will only receive this light if they are first ministered to physically and mentally (which includes emotionally). HEALING, REST, and SELF-SACRIFICING LOVE are the major themes of the glorious Angel that attends the third and the others before it. Therefore, we must embrace it all as a whole and not just focus on the new doctrines. Though the doctrines are both true and vital, these also can become an issue of pride, debate, division, and fanaticism. Fanatical minds will intellectually accept the new truths but will carry their own fanatical ideas into the work. Im sure Satan will see to it as so. And pride and fanaticism can be an issue at times for any of us. We must humble ourselves and clothe all the new light with the glorious, redemptive themes that have long accompanied our work--healing, rest, love, and faith. Then more will receive the light and we will be sure to have balanced minds. Our Saviour will be our main focus and we will love to talk of Him. The work will be finished, for He shall save and heal His people from their sins.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 06:19:30 +0000

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