What do we have here? It is PLAIN to see that there are two - TopicsExpress


What do we have here? It is PLAIN to see that there are two systems or should I say two classes, terms evade me as they would you. We have the people and the monsters, yes I truly mean this. Take a look at history, said this before and no one seems to listen. The monsters are generally RULED by some form of High priest the monsters make the people call this high priest King and for centuries we have done so. There have been good Kings and Bad Kings but that only goes to serve the proposition that we as a people DO affect from the bottom up. Kings through the ages have killed their own wives, children, Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents, many times, more often than not they are not prosecuted for these crimes they are party to another scheme to make way for another more aggressive and tyrannical King. It is not uncommon in these families to hear about these killings and we are hearing of them even today in the current monarchy. For sure, history will be the story teller and those reading it will as we do accept that this was the way things were. In the past the people knew what was going on and we look on thinking that seemingly the people were powerless to do anything about it, well they werent and just like the killing of the Jews in Germany and Poland it is disrespectful of us and to the dead NOT to understand [1]. We do not need to read the history books to gain further insights into this, common sense should prevail. What we know now is enough to realise that there are two tiers and that the common man has ended up at the bottom - UNDER the ruling class. The problem was then and is now, is that there is a ruling class, NOT ours but theirs. The trick to this was to allow the people to create a form of governance. This government or parliament at this level (common class) is King it works in exactly the opposite to the ruling class version, by that I mean the people have the power and the King (Parliament) in this system makes it so, to coin a phrase from startrek. parliament (French: Parler - middle French: Parlement - thus the current form: Parliament) When this system was functional the ruling class, as planned, moved in to subvert it and once in position the people would not know the difference between what they had created and what was now in place and it is this that we have now, we are only just waking up to this today. Just for balance I will explain how the other side work. As opposed to the people telling the parliament what to do, the many over the few the ruling class do it the other way round the few (Monarch) preside over the many: Looking from a geometric shape this creates magic, from the top is few down to many and next the many rule over the few, it is a diamond shape; I put this here because some may find this intriguing and it is for illustration purposes only. Because we are talking of the ruling class we HAVE to speak of God, the ruling class knew that the people had their traditions and that many had many different deities: all pretty much pointed to nature. Because of this the ruling class could not RULE over the masses, the massess lives were complete in that they followed natural laws and had created ceremonies to celebrate, marry, birth and death. It was not so much an hotch potch rather a homogeneous belief in nature. Meanwhile, back in history, apparently, there was the creation of what we now call - religion. This HAD to be injected into the society and into parliament, the one they had now started to subvert. The knights on white chargers travelled many hundreds of miles and apparently fought many battles to bring back a CONCEPT. Are you reading this or did you actually think that Christianity was an OBJECT? During this period and ever since we have been paying through some form of tax for these knights to go out and fight. We are looking at a time when the country we live in will never again be invaded, all that has happened and we can read history, it never happened again. Why this is, is another story but these are the facts. Yet we have and are sending military convoys out to other countries to fight wars, one has to ask WHY? Well here is the answer. To bring God, we have the Cross, something we were blissfully unaware of before the crusades and now we have ONE God, again something we the people were not aware of before the crusades. Now comes the really brilliant and clever move to bring together the two tiers and have one overall RULER - Of course that Overall RULER is God, it HAS to be, but, the difference with this God is we cannot see or hear it, our previous gods or nature we can see and hear so the ruling class deify what we now know as the King - he now becomes the defender of the faith, such starts the Church. Are these simple times we are talking about here or is there something sinister, well I think you would be surprised to know that this, although happening in what we now know as Britain it is happening in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Russia and many other places. We are not talking about a simple and crude network of disassociated countries we are talking about a complicated and sophisticated network of intellectuals capable, as we have witnessed, of engineering and carrying out a Master Plan: where have you heard that before? To complete this erudite story, the two require bringing together to allow the ruling class King to seemingly rule past his authority and through parliament to the people, thus giving us we the people a King and defender of the faith. This is not complicated because the parliament by this time has been subverted all it requires now are rules so that a representative from the we the people cannot ever stand as the Prime Minister. We started with the rules of governance in the script known as the bible. You should have a better understanding by now why this book had to be produced and that it would be a global thing, quite an impressive and important book, none the less it is after all just a book - A story book, part fact part fiction. That is what it is and that is what it always had to be. Because we now had THE religion and because now we have accepted, this still makes me cringe, that the King is the ONLY representative of GOD, only this office can communicate with God. And remember the ruling class in all this had a bit of a fall out, as we started this article; the deaths of mothers, sons and family &c. The fight within the ruling class was not without its problems, and to some extent this has continued to today, but not so much that it would upset the overall plans for a ONE world government. Because now we accept this king we accept the ruling class, this, as we know was not without its problems, we no longer are ruled by the King or as it happens today the Queen, because of the past we can no longer trust that ruler the power slipped down to the underlings of the monarch to the parliament of ours, The ones we trust to do the right thing but NOT knowing that that source is NOT what we think it is. This power shift as it turns out achieved nothing because the underlings of the ruling class are answerable to the King / Queen, so us removing power from the monarch to parliament did nothing - EVERYTHING remained the same APART from our perception of it. Is there ANY mystery remaining as to why a monarch can kill someone and not be prosecuted or that any member of that family could do the same and get away with it? And do you now have a better understanding WHY we have a monarch and why we have rules? Things DID actually work well, before this, many will disagree but I believe that is because of education and not intellect. And THAT is the Story of the world part 2.0, Very clever. So the next time you hear someone saying we live in an illusion you have a logical and understandable reason to believe it is actually true. Knowing this now actually helps to defeat the whole thing. Take some time to let it sink in, make some connections in this story of your own, re read history and this time ask the pertinent questions. Namaste, rev phil; The Mark [1] at the beginning of this article refers to respect for those unlawfully killed during the holocaust, here is my thoughts on the holocaust, I do not deny but I happen to believe that not everything has been told and much on this subject, for whatever reason is being hidden from the people of this planet, when this happens it is usually because some wrong has been done and the culprit is on the, usually, winning side. A person or group who does not or did not while he / she or they were alive ever wish for the people of this planet to know this. : Just to digress for one moment and as this is a sensitive subject I wish to bring some respect to those who died in the holocaust. There is no doubt hat many were killed by the Nazis in this. The numbers are vague to say the least however those that were murdered would be insulted if the number of deaths by this method were artificially exaggerated. hundreds of thousands died of disease; and we hear very little about this fact. Some would have been killed by their own; again there is no actual proof. The disposal of bodies and the methods are known but the truth behind this is well hidden. In order to fully respect the deaths of these good people, it is THEY that require the truth out not us, we would be and ARE perpetuating their turmoil by NOT knowing what really happened, and those that perpetuate it are as much to blame as the ones that initiated it. The holocaust DID happen however in order to let the victims rest we owe THEM the truth.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 14:44:25 +0000

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