What do you folks have to say about this? Can we compromise on - TopicsExpress


What do you folks have to say about this? Can we compromise on the numbers being sent here? Should we compromise on sending any here? Here are just a few clips from this article in case you dont want to read it all. The United States has accepted nearly 2 million refugees from Muslim countries since 1992, WND previously reported. The authority for the resettlement program is the Refugee Act of 1980, signed into law by President Jimmy Carter. The added burden that refugees put on social services has prompted several mayors in Massachusetts and New Hampshire to request that the federal government shut off the refugee spigot, as reported recently by WND. The cost of resettling 70,000 refugees comes to just over $1 billion per year to the U.S. government, according to a State Department report for fiscal 2015. This includes running the program and issuing federal grants to the nine resettlement agencies. The $1 billion figure does not include the cost of the unaccompanied alien children program, supplying food stamps, subsidized housing, interpreters, Medicaid, WIC, temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) and educating the children, much of which falls to states and localities. That also does not include the potential cost of security risks. WND reported in September that 22 Somali-Americans brought in through the refugee program have been documented by the FBI to have left the country to fight for Al-Shabab, a terrorist organization in Somalia, while several others have gone to fight for the Islamic State, also called ISIS, in Syria. Dozens of others have been prosecuted for sending money or other material support to terrorist organizations.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:07:54 +0000

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