What do you get when the rulers and higher powers, ordained by - TopicsExpress


What do you get when the rulers and higher powers, ordained by God, over America and over our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and despots, according to the PREAMBLE of The Constitution We The People, dont do our duty to God, to ENFORCE OUR laws which WE ordained and established UPON THEM, as His guardians of the holy light of Liberty? YOU GET THE EVISCERATION OF THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS and THE AMERICAN FAMILY. Havent you noticed how all HELL is breaking loose since BOTH parents have to work just to barely make ends meet? If you are sick and tired of the HELL that is RAGING in America, do your duty to God to keep His commandments and YOUR DUTY to HIM as His ruler and higher power over America and over our elected criminally Constitutionally contemptuous enemies of our Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, of our Constitutional laws, of our economy, of our wages, of our individual Rights, of our individual American Middle Class prosperity, of our jobs and of our national felicity. In this case with specific regards to our Ninth and especially TENTH Amendment laws as well as the money clauses of Article I Sections 8 (clause 5) and 10 (clause 1) ! WHY dont you join US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws here if YOU WANT our elected public usurpers, from BOTH Parties, to obey our Constitutional laws and eighteen limited powers and spending privileges, here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ ====================================================== Article I Section 8 (Clause 5) - From the list of Eighteen powers DELEGATED to our elected Republican and Democrat Federal public servants: > To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures Article 1 Section 10 (Clause 1): > No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amendment 9 - Construction of Constitution. Ratified 12/15/1791: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note: The powers (meaning SPENDING) not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ---> This refers to the eighteen limited powers and spending budget items granted to our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and despots as enumerated under Article I Section 8, of The Constitution. ---> And, here is the kicker: All eighteen spending privileges granted to our Federal Government are MORE THAN PAID FOR by Constitutional revenue streams that DO NOT INCLUDE ANY form of Income Taxes on the American people. ---> AND, GET THIS ! ! ! ---> The Supreme Court of The United States found and ruled; The ratification of the 16th Amendment CONFERS NO NEW TAXES on ANYONE who wasnt taxable before it. SINCE all powers and spending is RESERVED to the States, respectively, or the people, We The People (and our States) need our GROSS wages back as RULED by the Supreme Court, which would nearly double the size of all American Middle Class weekly take home pay. ---> Restoring the RULE of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, through highly and strictly Constitutional State legislative measures, leading up to incremental State nullification of all unlawful Federal spending, usurpation, and unlawful Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch, with all nullifications backed up by State and Local Law Enforcement ACTION in Support and Defense of our Ninth and Tenth Amendment supreme laws of the land would result in a major problem for our SMALL BUSINESSMEN in our local hometowns and cities trying to build enough manufacturing plants, businesses and finding the manpower they need to man them in the attempt to keep up with the massive additional demand by the American Middle Class. ---> The State bill that would do all of this is called State Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision, which is highly and strictly Constitutional as it was drafted for Kentucky and Virginia in 1798-99, by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison SPECIFICALLY for THIS PURPOSE; to restore all usurpation, spending and UNLAWFUL taxation back as reserved to the States, respectively, or the people. ====================================================== - Capt. Karl #wages #economy #jobs #Rights #IndividualRights #Inflation #Dollar #Currency #GoldCoin #SilverCoin #Constitution #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #StatesRights #SFNATAC #BillOfRights #Cavuto #TheFive #EricBolling #MellissaFrancis #CharlesPayne #FNC #FBN #NFL #Packers #Playoffs #Patriots #Saints #Bible #Commandments
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:00:02 +0000

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