What do you have faith in more man or God? Better question.. Do - TopicsExpress


What do you have faith in more man or God? Better question.. Do you have more faith in your possessions or God? Non-believers and believers what do you trust more? When you say youre giving something to God, do you truly and whole heartedly do just that or do you take it upon yourself to handle it? In spite of it all, Jesus loves you no matter what. Put all your trust in Him and not man. Trust God and have faith, dont give up when what you want doesnt happen immediately or the opposite happens. Do you have faith in man more than God? Do you have more faith in possessions more than God? My thought is how self-consumed can we be that wed give up on God and put trust in man? How can we give up on the God who sent His only Son to die for you and I fully knowing we didnt deserve it? How selfish can we be to stir up arguments and cause divisions when we should be loving others and being examples? Is your faith put in man or God? You cant be in the middle because theres no middle ground in the eyes of God. Who do you trust more man or God? It sounds like a simple answer but youd be surprised at just how many people would be quick to say GOD! But yet, there lifestyle speaks different. It seems we put more faith in the things we can see because that sounds reasonable right? But what is faith to you? How can I put faith in something I cant see? many would say, I would express to you that its called Faith for a reason. Where is your faith? Is it in man or God?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:36:11 +0000

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