What do you know about Islam Praise be to Allah , we praise Him - TopicsExpress


What do you know about Islam Praise be to Allah , we praise Him Almighty and we use it and Nstaiv in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our disadvantage of guide him God is Muhtadee It misleads you will not find him and Leah guide ; , and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger prayers Ruba and Tzlemath you , sir. O Messenger of God, and may God bless your home and for each Sahapetk It became your law on the Day of Resurrection After Islam is the religion of tolerance seen him so saw Western scholars who do not believe in Islam ; they were convinced that Islam is the religion of tolerance is not a religion of terror nor religion killed but religion safety and security ; lives of his family in the light of Islam in safety assured and live in the shadow of not condemning him in the safety and security What do you know about Islam? This question has puzzled many who do not believe in Islam ; Is Islam a religion of intimidation and the killing of the Admin in their country ? In many of the country if you mention the word Islam , he was afraid of people and Artaboa and Arthbwa ; They thought that Islam is what came only to kill them on their claim that Islam is what is known only bloodshed and killing selves , but the truth of Islam is that fighting is not prescribed for the Muslims intimidating for the unbelievers ; , but legislation to fight for the defense self- Muslim does not take the initiative to fight ; do not take the initiative to overturn the Covenant and the Charter , but which initiates veto the covenant of not condemning Islam ; and Muslims have had their tactics in fighting was the Prophet (s) if attacked Muslims enemy was coming to them from fights them , and he ordered his companions not to kill children nor woman nor man nor cut trees and do not bear fruit ; and that there is security of Muslims them men, women and children; was their evidence in this verse: ( God does not forbid those who have not fought in religion and did not drive you out of your homes dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves Almkstin 0 but God forbid those who Qatlokm in religion and driven you out of your homes and helped to drive that help you get out and Tolohm Itolhm , they are the wrong-doers ) Mumtahina 8/9 \ If you look at the verse: ( God does not forbid those who fight you not for religion nor drive you out of your homes ) will find that they show the tolerance of Islam , behold, is the mother of Mrs. Asma girl Abu Bakr, namely the dead girl Abdul Uzza said Ms. names of the Messenger of Allah : O Messenger of Allah, my mother made a willing Avosalha ? said : Yes, bless your mother , the interpretation of many bin 4/349 If these verses downloaded from God Almighty show us that God Almighty did not forbade us from the NPR and improve and Nkst to those who did not fight us in religion and treat them well , that door s response assault ; Muslim and if I looked at him in his dealings find that tolerance and peace based on dealings a Muslim delivers people from his harm and delivers people in their homes and their money and themselves and their symptoms and if it enters the Muslim countries of the country who do not condemn Islam and the Baltic as ordained by Islam found that people marvel at the case ; are not safe from the people of their faith and feel safe , who are Muslims , how has entered Islam homes and published in their own country ? Those people were before they entered Islam is not safe people wickedness were thugs and when they entered Islam security people did not hide them people are true to the words of the Prophet ( r): Muslim peace Muslims of his tongue and his hand and immigrant from the abandonment of what God forbade him How can you , O wise to claim what that Islam came only to kill self and you do not see every day who do not condemn Islam spread mischief on earth are killing children, women and youth, men or massacred or executing them by firing squad ? Are these the ones who keep the dignity of the human being and security ? Are these are the people who drive to the security and safety ? Do they know the tolerance of Islam ? No, God knew what to hatred nor secure peace for themselves and not for others you will lead these people to peace and security ? Zahir Maahadathm security and peace and no security for them , no peace , including those dwarf what they know , but cunning and deception they say in a Brocokulathm : You must be the motto of violence and deceit compared religions p 145 this text in Brocokulathm that people do not feel safe cunning nor Khaddiathm Are those achieved with tolerance ? They are people who have taken to the ground is not really for them they took by force from others these people who claim to be Gods chosen people they claim in their words that the Lord said to them: The standing of foreigners and caring Ognamkm and be a prophet strange Hrazqm and Kramekm But you Vtdon priests of the Lord, and do you call the servants of our God, ye shall eat the wealth of nations and the glory Taatamron intellectual reference Tiaret 74 p. Fi worshiped the Lord is pleased to humiliate other people and to God the Almighty said in the Holy Quran : ( I created the jinn and mankind except to worship , what I want from them and what I want to Rizk fed , that God is a force Razzaq solid ) AL Almariaat 56-58 Lord of pride forbade people to usurp what they do not have it right , how can these people say that God commanded them to eat of the wealth of nations , and they claim that the Lord commanded them to conspire to others? Fi book , O wise advocated tolerance and peace book is the Lord of Glory peace when he said: And if they incline to peace , incline , and trust in God that he is the Hearing, the Knowing , but want to deceive is sufficient for God is the one who thee with His help and with the believers Anfal 61-62 Or Lord of ordering people to conspire against each other or the Lord of ordering the corruption in the earth any deities deserving to be a god ? God shows people two roads through the guide and the path of misguidance and leave them on the freedom of belief worship God, committed that they were survivors but did not worship God and abide by it were hated them and gone astray or the God said in his book commanded his Prophet to say to those who violate the religion he says: ( say: O disbelievers , I worship not what you worship , nor do you worship what I worship , nor did I serve what you worship , nor do you worship what I worship , your religion Crown debt ) or god forbid those who did not serve him to remain on earth ; or the God said to them that destroy anyone who is not on their religion , they say in their book : when managed to ourselves and be masters of the earth will not allow the establishment of any religion is our religion and we will have broken down each faiths and other religions and philosophers expose all the disadvantages of religions internationalism compared to the reference religions p 155 Any religion deserving of being followed ? Dean advocated tolerance and not to fight or religion advocated genocide and fighting ; religion is if people did not enter it and accepted the tribute was to them what the Muslims and they are Muslims or religion is not known, however, of condemning it or religion advocated that the land for the people who are the safe or religion call to rape the land of its people hate and aggression debt order to possess the land for its people or the religion of ordering the confiscation of property They say : You must know how to confiscate property without the slightest hesitation if we can work this sovereignty and power , and if you are wise you are not satisfied with this then I introduce you to other models including the tolerance of Islam 1 - if you had pondered the verses of the Koran found it urges Muslims to tolerance in everything, even in the matter of religion is not permissible for a Muslim to force anyone from non-Muslims to enter in Islam Here is the verse tell us in this matter , where addressing the Lord of Glory Prophet peace be upon him commanding nation that does not forced anyone to engage in Islam and do not terrorize non-Muslims do not Ieqbohem to leave Islam in prison and jail , humiliation and humiliation because that is not the meaning of tolerance in Islam s history to the Almighty said : ( There is no compulsion in religion shows majority of canceled it disbelieves in idols and believes in Allah it has grasped the most trustworthy handhold for Aanfsam and Allah is Hearing , Knowing) Sura 256 ie do not dislike anyone to enter in Islam it between manifestly subdirectories and Brahinh do not need to hate one to enter into it , but from God guided him to Islam and explain his chest and Noor insight it entered aware ; it is Gods heart and blind stamping on his watch , it does not help going into debt forced Mksora Ben- op many 1 - 310 p. Ibn Abbas said : The woman of the female protagonist to be a pan thus making itself that lived her Born to Thodh when evicted sons Nadeer were those of the sons of the Ansar said: do not let our children ejaculates Allah ( There is no compulsion in religion shows majority of canceled ) said Mujahid : this verse was revealed in a man from the Ansar had a Ghulam Black said to him: Sih and was compelled to Islam by force , said : The people Mstrdaan in the Jewish Qurayza and Nadir when the command of the Prophet ( p ) evacuated built Nadir said their children from Aws who were Murtadaan them to Nzhbn Ndinin them and their religion and they wanted to Vmnauhm Alohm came down on Islam ( There is no compulsion in religion ) , the reference to the reasons come down Uahdy pp. 73-74 2 - God said: ( the Hajok tell converted to Islam and my face to God and student make ) any : If Jadloc in monotheism , then say is sincere my worship to God alone with no partner nor Nad not born to him nor his owner and Invite O Messenger of Allah, to his own way and his religion and to engage in the Bill and God has sent him from clerical Almlmy and the Secretary of the idolaters 3 - because if you look at the qualities of the Prophet peace be upon him in the Torah as said Abdullah ibn Amr : and I see the qualities of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in the books developed that not Bfez not thick nor clamorous in the markets is not sufficient bad as bad , but forgive and pardon reference bin many 1/354 If you look at this trait if that is characterized by the Prophet (s) of the qualities of the loved and followed to be similar to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him 4 - The God warned Muslim who insults the gods of the infidels he says : ( And insult not those who claim God without God Vespoa enemy without knowledge of each nation as well as Xena and then to their Lord as their reference Vinbihm were working ) cattle verse 108 If these Quranic verses status from the Lord of Glory show Muslims that he should not insult the doctrine of other faiths , which violates his faith so as not disgraced in his faith , how you and you see Islam respects other religions but other religions are trying to Idesoa on the Koran is not part and on the Islamic faith is not one of them and do not give the fate of Muslim Scholars Are these people know something about forgiveness ? No, God , because they knew if the tolerance in religion what Hanwha other religions , how you see yourself and the feelings of Muslims humiliated in all the time and when ? Since the period heard and read insults to the Prophet of Islam Is Islam insulted a prophet of prophets ? What do other religions from insult and destruction of Islamic holy sites see to it the difference between the Muslim and the other ; peace saves for the non-Muslim prestige and dignity and sanctities As a non-Muslim is not preserved for the Muslim holy places nor dignity, how can you and you see every day the destruction of Islamic holy sites in various parts of the earth and exposed Muslims is this security ? Is this is the tolerance ? Is this justice? .
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:21:42 +0000

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