What do you really want? Who do you really want to be? What kind - TopicsExpress


What do you really want? Who do you really want to be? What kind of life do you really want to live? What is it that you are afraid of? Really? Where is that fear coming from? Why? Take some time out today to ask yourself the tough ones! And dont accept lies (your own, or the narcs) as your answer. A lot of us have had these questions answered for us. A lot of us arent getting to the bottom of what it is we really fear, and consequently we are not moving forward. We let the white noise spin around inside our heads, instead of taking time out to deal truthfully and honestly with these thoughts/beliefs. Ask yourself these questions and break down your answers until you get right down to the truth of the matter. And then you will find that theres quite a lot you can do, and small steps you can take in moving forward towards the things that you really want in life. Maybe youre afraid that you are not lovable. If so, then ask yourself the next question, why? Where is this fear/belief coming from? Its probably coming from the narc, who used you up and spat you out, because you wouldnt obey his commands and then replaced you with someone who would, (leaving you feeling like you dont measure up). Maybe you want a simple, low key and peaceful life, but you believe that you should be striving for something bigger and better, why? Maybe the narc equated importance and self-worth with money, status and material success, again, leaving you feeling not quite good enough. These lies keep us trapped, like a stronghold we cant break free of, if we dont stop and address them with the truth. We need to diagnose the lie, and identify the truth. Maybe you dont feel good about yourself, simply because you are a little unfit, well you can change that. Maybe, you dont feel good about yourself because of a toxic persons projection onto you, again you can change that. Maybe you want a healthy loving relationship, (in other words, you want to feel loved) you can change that, you can take steps towards loving yourself the way no one else can. Lies and misbeliefs are insidious partners in crime that keep us trapped in a victim mentality, and leave us feeling powerless. Indeed, there are some things that we cant change and have no control over, but there are some things that we can change, one of those being our attitude and mindset.~lexi~
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:54:05 +0000

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