What do you study and / or What would you like to study - TopicsExpress


What do you study and / or What would you like to study ? Ive never been to college hahaha XD But ive studied Existentialism Neitzche : the antichrist - neitzches scathing Critique on religion and christianity The geneology of morals : neitzches Critique on the origin of morality slave ( good and evil ) and noble ( good and bad ) , debt relationship between debtor and creditor , punishment , law , guilt , sin , good conscience, Bad conscience ect . Milan kundera : the unbearable lightness of being - philosohical fiction looking at the theory of eternal return and the importance of events that repeat versus those that happen but once , also looks at the value heaviness which is responsability , duty And lightness which is a lack of responsability Ayn rand : the fountainhead ( still reading :) ) Looks at the pros and cons of living for yourself , the weight and cost of owning yourself through your actions and choices vs living for others , as a servant , a small part of a greater whole , you gain the security which the mob provides but in so doing ... lose your Individuality Animal rights Diet for a new america : john robbins heartfelt unflinching look at the rise of factory farming And the toll is has taken American health as animals raised for food Have gone from semi - humane Conditions on family farms of yesterday To the most inhumane conditions Of modern factory farms Where they are drugged and genetically engineered to produce meat , dairy , eggs at faster and faster levels and quantities , abused and pushed mentally and physically into insanity and cannabilism misery depression , treated and respected no longer as living creatures who wish to live be happy play and enjoy the beauty of life ( just as we do ) but merely as a means for making money I would like to study Pyschology - the human mind is complex Why do we do the things we do ? Why do we feel the way we do ? Ect and yet there is still so much that has yet to Fully understood Id love to study , research , form / test theories , explore those questions And develope a few of my own n_n Sociology : the study of people and groups how are civilizations and cultures formed Under what conditions and why , how do they Grow and why do they fall , Why do some people become close and tight knit , while others become increasingly isolated ect
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 06:30:19 +0000

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