What do you think? Clearly he has a more challenging situation - TopicsExpress


What do you think? Clearly he has a more challenging situation than either Reagan or Clinton, one that requires customizing an approach to todays environment. My view is that he needs to craft compromises and take the initial heat from the left - knowing full well the far right will then push the deal details past anything his constituency in the House and Senate will agree to. This will expose the Republican infighting and inability to compromise even within their party, weakening their position with swing voters as the majority party that can get things done in 2016 . This will work only if the Dems dont exhibit the same bad behavior, and stay united behind him. Otherwise Dem candidates will get swept along with the mess while too many sit out another election. So if you could pick two or three issues to work on? My first would be a deal to lower interest rates dramatically for past and future college (or trade school) loans. Form a joint committee to also propose a program where they could pay down the debt through volunteerism or service of some kind. This would give more young people a direct near term issue to get excited about. For many, the promise of a better future is just to far away while they are struggling now. Republicans would probably block any deal as socialism. Just maybe they young would vote their interest on something specific that a Dem majority could pass. Second, agree in premise to a revenue neutral corporate tax reform program. As long as it levels the playing field to help smaller business, with incentives only for investments made here. More investment and jobs will get us the additional revenue needed. The left would probably push for net lower total tax revenue, but then one could ask specifically what must be cut to allow that. Bring the basic debate of options into the public eye, and persist. If they wont compromise on that, then maybe that thin line of independents will be swayed next term. The third is the most risky, immigration reform. Businesses want it, but the far rights base would hate ANY deal. Executive action would just contribute unfairly to the dictator message while falling short of what immigrants expect. Could he somehow put business leaders and republicans at a task force on this? Let them fight it out for a while until it becomes clear to more businesses and immigrants that a split majority republican party cant deliver?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:15:44 +0000

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