What do you think about, or what comes to mind when you hear the - TopicsExpress


What do you think about, or what comes to mind when you hear the word peace? Is it surf pounding the sand, a big beautiful rainbow over two snow cap mountains, or a sunset that makes the sky purple and orange. Maybe its not something physical or something you see maybe to you peace is a feeling of a job being done well no stress. The Webster definition of peace is a state if tranquility or quiet, but Gods peace is a reconciliation with him through Christ. Matthew 5:9 states: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Peace is not a appeasement but a positive, a good. The Old Testament had a word and still used to today Shalom which refers to ones highest good and well being. The New Testament Christ is our well being our highest good. Peace is a gift from God, the fruit of the spirit. Look at Galatians 5:22: But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Peace lives on a vertical line with God it is a spiritual reality. So then who are the peacemakers? The peacemaker are the agents those who bring men and women together for the worship and glory of God. Our world is filled with fences and barriers, but a peacemaker will take down the barrier between people and make the world a better place to live. We are all call to do that, we all are to make the world better by being Peacemakers. This is not done to pound our chest and say look at me, this is done because we love God and want to be called his sons and daughters. Happy are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons and daughters of God. It is not easy to be an effective peacemaker. To build up people, prevent hostility, to always believe in the best of people, but peacemaking is active not passive. United with God as you become his tool for peace, What an honor. How do we become a peacemaker? We first need to begin with our own lives and surrender everything all we have to God and receive the fruit of the spirit that gives peace. Then go out to all the world and teach the name of Jesus, reach out to the physical, the mental, and spiritual hurts of people and pray. Above all pray because we are the peacemakers but God is the peace that is making people. SHALOM= peace=God is with you.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:08:25 +0000

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