What does 1corinthians 14:34-35 mean? 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35, - TopicsExpress


What does 1corinthians 14:34-35 mean? 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35, in which the Apostle Paul instructs us to Let the women keep silent in church... This is indeed a very troubling verse, if it is not understood properly. If it is intended as an across-the-board prohibition of women speaking in church, then lets take it to its full conclusion: We must conclude that women are not allowed to sing and verbally praise and worship God. They are also forbidden from talking, visiting, and fellowshipping with one another. I thought these were some of the reasons we come to church in the first place! When we look at this passage in light of other Scripture, the intended context becomes much more obvious. It is Scripturally very clear that women did in fact pray aloud and prophecy in church services (1 Corinthians 11: 4-5.) What then, do these verses ultimately mean ? Verse 35 gives us some indication: If they (the women) will LEARN anything, let them ASK their husbands at home. Apparently, the problem Paul was dealing with was women causing disruption in the church services by asking their husbands questions in a disorderly manner. This interpretation fits perfectly into the overall context of this chapter, which is guidelines for the proper order of the service, particularly, but not limited to, Spiritual gifts such as tongues and prophecy. We see such statements as Let all things be done unto edifying (verse 26,) God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (verse 33,) and Let all things be done decently and in order (verse 40.) In other words, whatever is being done in church, whether it be speaking in tongues, prophesying, or asking questions, let it all be done in a peaceful, edifying, and orderly manner. read more study my blog here : jesussavessooncoming.blogspot/2013/11/can-women-preach-teach-and-tell-word-of.html SO IT MEANS ; IN APOSTLE PAULS TIME MANY WOMEN ASKED TOO MANY QUESTIONS TO THEIR HUSBANDS AT THE CHURCH OR WHEN CHRISTIANS ARE GATHERING AT THE CHURCHES TO HEAR THE PREACHING..SO ITS KIND OF NOISY THERE ITS BETTER WOMEN KEEP SILENT NOT TO ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS TO ANYBODY INCLUDING TO THEIR HUSBANDS UNTIL AT HOME .. THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OF WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PREACH, TEACH GODS WORD, EVEN IN BECOMING A PASTORS, PREACHERS OR EVANGELISTS.. I KNOW THESE VERSES IN 1 COR 14:34-35 THAT MANY CHRISTIANS TAKING OUT OF THE CONTEXT, TO AGAINST WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO PREACH ANYWHERE ! GOD IS NOT THE GOD OF DISCRIMINATION, RACIST OR TREAT INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENTLY, WE ARE ALL THE SAME, MEN, WOMEN, RICH, POOR, PRETTY/ HANDSOME OR UGLY, DIFFERENT NATIONALITY, JEWS OR GENTILES, BUT WHAT HUMAN SEE IS THE SKIN OR APPEARANCES FROM OUTSIDE AND WORLDLY LOOKS INSTEAD OF HEARTS ..WE ARE ALL THE SAME HAVE THE RED BLOOD AND THE SAME ORGANS INSIDE THESE EARTHLY CORRUPTED BODIES, WHAT IS ASHAMED MEN AND WOMEN ALWAYS THINK OR BELIEVE LIKE THAT , LOOKING PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY, ONE IS MORE FAVOUR / BETTER THAN THE OTHERS !
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:54:39 +0000

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