What does Congress and Islam have in common? They both are exempt - TopicsExpress


What does Congress and Islam have in common? They both are exempt from Obamacare August 20, 2013 Source: Kenneth Schortgen Jr Earlier this month, Democrats flocked to President Obama demanding action which would ensure they and their staffers would not be liable to the edicts of the Health Care bill (Obamacare) they pushed through Congress in 2009. And in a ruling made by the Executive Branch’s Office of Personnel Management on Aug. 2, this ‘crisis’ was averted. So now Congress, who promised the American people a fair health care plan that would last generations, now can add themselves to the nation of Islam, which under the provisions of Obamacare, is exempt from its requirements and taxes. As a consequence of this provision, Muslims may claim a religious exemption that is denied Christians and Jews. Since Islam believes insurance is haraam (forbidden) and likens insurance to gambling, the religion is excluded from requirements, mandates, or penalties set forth in the bill. Others who fall into this category are the Amish, American Indians, and Christian Scientists. Although the US Constitution grants all Americans equal protection of the law, some Americans are more equal than others. – New Media Journal Additionally, President Obama has allowed exemption waivers to political cronies such as Unions,corporations who donated to his campaign, and illegal aliens, which will result in a continuation of the skyrocketing debt to states, and places and immense burden on the medical system to the tune of billions of dollars per year. These ‘special’ exemptions will leave primarily Christians, Jews, and white Americans to fund the healthcare bill of the elite and privileged few, and in not too far a stretch, institute a 21st century form of Jim Crow laws where separate but equal is left to the interpretation of those in power. In just five years Barack Obama has not only made being a Christian a pseudo ‘enemy of the state’, but he has erased a generation of race equality through the actions, legislation, and hate speech he has pushed to divide America. And with Congress now on board to avoid paying their fair share of Obamacare, they, along with unions, Presidential cronies, and the entire religion of Islam, will experience health care in a way that race once separated our nation prior to the 1960′s.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:39:16 +0000

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