What does Martial Art’s really translate to people? well first - TopicsExpress


What does Martial Art’s really translate to people? well first of all the is a massive misconception as to the substance of the arts the first thing people think of when martial arts is mention is Respect ,self control and a humble person ,well lets just get to it the first thing it was created for was to be able to dismantle another person or in simple words how to kill someone no fancy techniques just strong to the point basic’s don’t get lost in all the bull you read about inner peace that came later as did a set of moral’s since the is no moral high ground achieved in killing another human . Over time things have been added or taken away to make it more acceptable to the public at large yet even in dojos that only do kata, basics or just sport they must never forget the original purpose as stated above, me i always teach with this in mind yet we stay true to the budo code for once you just train to fight then am sorry since its a lost cause, yes we now have lots of branches from the original arts MMA is by far the biggest yet i even so what you see in the cage is all fire and brimstone they to(most of them ) have a true grasp on the budo way since most of from the Old way yet once the third wave of MMA fighters has arrived that will be all but gone since the victory becomes more important than the art. We are all responsible to some degree to keep in touch with are root’s and study are history since with out it we are lost, without history to correct us or keep us on the right track, saying that we must always strive to better are arts, in my dojo i have a sign that’s says LEARN, DEVELOP, EVOLVE’ as long as this can run along side the Budo way the is hope. Yes i understand a lot of people now just par take in the sporting aspect but the is no reason that there skills should not carry authority and conviction that is still true to the” BUDO WAY” the is no reason that both cannot coexist, since ones your time on the mat has finished the is no reason not to continue your study of the arts and gain a deeper understanding of them and your self. A lot of people are under the misconception that once your fighting carer is over you just stop doing martial arts ,well how wrong is that” MARTIAL ARTS IS FOR LIFE” ALFIE LEWIS
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:20:48 +0000

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