What does “democracy” mean? To US leaders, it means - TopicsExpress


What does “democracy” mean? To US leaders, it means overthrowing other people’s governments. Since World War II, Americans have overthrown governments in Italy (1947), Costa Rica (1948), Syria (1949), Lebanon (1952), Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954, and 1982), Laos (nonstop coups 1957-1975), El Salvador (1960 and 1984), Congo (1960), Dominican Republic (1961, 1965), Ecuador (1961, and 1981), South Korea (1961), South Vietnam (1963), Iraq (1963 and 2003), Brazil (1964), Indonesia (1965), Greece (1967), Cambodia (1970), Egypt (1970), Chile (1973), Uruguay (1973), Australia (1975), Saudi Arabia (1975), Portugal (1975), Thailand (1976), Argentina (1976), Turkey (1980), Panama (1981 and 1989), Chad (1982), Grenada (1983), Sweden (1986), Pakistan (1988), Afghanistan (1980s and 2001), Rwanda and Burundi (1994), Yugoslavia (2000), Somalia (2006), Sudan (2011), Libya (2011) and Ukraine (2014). And these are only some of the better-known cases where the US successfully used force or fraud to put its puppets in power or remove leaders it didn’t like. There have also been dozens if not hundreds of unsuccessful attempts (such as the current war on Syria). And there have undoubtedly been many successful US-supported regime changes we don’t know about. After all, such operations are called “covert” for a reason: They are designed to remain secret forever. And then, there are the so-called color revolutions: Ukraine (Orange), Lebanon (Cedar), Georgia (Rose), Kyrgyzstan (Tulip), Myanmar (Saffron), Thailand (Red), and Malaysia (Yellow). The US State Department, USAID, and George Soros apparently like their coups détat in a pleasing array of hues. All this in the name of democracy. Overthrowing democratically-elected leaders such as Ukraine’s Yanukovych – and Chile’s Allende, Iran’s Mosaddeq, and so many more – is a very strange way of spreading democracy. But there is one country that really does need a pro-democracy coup détat: the United States of America. Today, America’s phony democracy is rotten to the core. The US has had stolen presidential elections in 1980, 2000, and 2004. It has had nothing but CIA presidencies since 1988. And now the Supreme Court has ruled that elective offices are for sale to the highest bidder. From now on, the Court says, the public cannot put any limits whatsoever on political bribery. And don’t get me started about assassinations. In 1963, when Americans allowed CIA operators (including Cord Meyer, Allen Dulles, James Angleton, E. Howard Hunt, David Atlee Phillips, Richard Helms, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, George H.W. Bush and others) to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight with complete impunity, they for all intents and purposes gave up even the pretense of living in a democracy. Less than five years later, the same criminals killed JFK’s brother Robert – and added an exclamation point. The American people, drugged by television, emitted a collective yawn. Read on, McDuff.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 12:04:09 +0000

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