What does it look like to live missionally? How you conduct your - TopicsExpress


What does it look like to live missionally? How you conduct your life has beautiful repercussions in eternity. Living on mission means... • Being alert to God’s hand and voice in your life. • Fostering a constant awareness of the Holy Spirit’s winsome work in your life. • Seeing people as eternal. • Having significant conversations about Jesus. • Loving your enemies. • Praying for others. • Sacrificing your selfishness for the sake of someone else. • Daring to seek healing for past pain so you can engage others today. • Placing people above things. • Becoming interruptible. • Daring to take risks for Jesus’ sake. • Entrusting your reputation to Jesus instead of trying to micromanage it. • Practicing stewardship—everything belongs to God and you are a manager of His resources. • Giving when it hurts or doesn’t make sense. • Choosing not to worry when life spirals out of control. • Granting forgiveness to those who hurt you. • Believing that living openhearted is better than living in bitterness. • Having a wallet that leaks. • Chasing significance rather than fame, money or possessions. • Practicing gratitude. • Living outside of your comfort zone. • Listening well. • Forsaking your constant need for control. • Learning contentment. • Responding to a prompt from the Holy Spirit. • Slowing down enough to “do life” with others. • Engaging in community instead of isolating yourself. • Realizing the brevity of life. • Pouring into your family. • Discipling the people God places in your life. • Remembering that your heart being right with Jesus is far more important than looking like a Christian from the outside. • Washing people’s feet (serving others). • Giving up controlling people and entrusting them to God. • Choosing to become self-aware. • Inviting others to speak truth into your life. • Being willing to go anywhere for the sake of God’s kingdom—even in your own neighborhood. • Bearing other people’s burdens.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:37:45 +0000

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