What does it mean for us to welcome Jesus Christ into our life? It - TopicsExpress


What does it mean for us to welcome Jesus Christ into our life? It has to be more than a warm emotion. Rather it must be opening ourselves to the presence of Him who comes to make His home among us and share our lives. We have a God who is so close to us and wants a relationship with us. He wants our time and our attention. Welcoming Jesus into our life means recognizing Him not as a foreigner who comes from far-off to impose himself, but as our personal Lord — as our master, and our savior. It is His will that must rule in our life and direct our behavior. We must acknowledge that only He has the word of life and we must turn our lives to Him in loving obedience. The fruit of this will be interior peace and profound joy. In our day we see how frequently God is refused entry into the world, and how frequently He is marginalized by so many of those who have great influence in society and in our culture. He is deliberately excluded from the world of politics, from the world of science, the arts, of business, law, and medicine. Often He is mentioned in the media only when it chooses to ridicule Him. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must bring Him and His word of life back into every sphere of human activity, for a world without God is a world that knows neither its origin nor its destiny and will turn against man himself.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:06:59 +0000

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