What does it mean to be Greek? Is it the Food everyone loves? The - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to be Greek? Is it the Food everyone loves? The Stuffed Grape Leaves, Shish Kabob, or the Lamb? Perhaps it’s the Roast Beef and Pizza Places that every Greek Family seems to have. If it’s Not the food them Maybe it’s Greece itself. The beautiful islands, the Mediterranean Beaches, a veritable tourist paradise. Perhaps it’s the fact that Greeks know how to throw a party? Good Food, Good Drink, Dancing, and Music, and such a happy atmosphere that it almost seems euphoric. Or maybe it’s the way we are raised. In my case with many cousins aunts and uncles. I can’t remember a day going by that at least a few cousins, or an aunt or uncle were not around. In fact I think of all my cousins as more brothers and sisters than anything else. This made for some great times for us kids and for some hair loss for our parents but we were all as close as close can be in this regard, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. All these things are great and wondrous to be sure but is that what being Greek is all about? No. Greece was the Birthplace of Democracy, Freedom and the Rule of LAW. These intangibles were so revered that Socrates himself willingly drank the poison that ended his life when found guilty of subverting the minds of the young. All be it this was politically motivated. If not for Greece who knows what our Gov. Here today would look like. Perhaps the way it is today we are getting a glimpse of what “democracy” without Greece is. Just as the Roman Empire Embraced Greece’s Democracy and expanded on it, prospered by it as no other Civilization in the history of the world. But in the End Corruption and Greed toppled the once great Empire to the Dark ages. What many do not know about, is Greece’s 400+ years of slavery to the Turk that didn’t end until 1829. Country, Blood, Bone, and flesh. All were property of the Ottoman Empire and the Turk. I remember hearing stories on how the Turks would take the Greek children and raise them and educate them in their country and bring them back to Greece to be the overseers of the Greek slaves. on March 25, 1821, when Bishop Germanos of Patras raised the flag of revolution over the Monastery of Agia Lavra in the Peloponnese. The cry “Freedom or Death” became the motto of the revolution. Why am I writing all this you ask? Well, good Question. As some of you know my long time GF of 20 years and I are going through a long custody battle. Not with each other but with her sisters and the state. To steel our child from me they slandered me and accused me of abusing my daughter. This was the initial salvo from DCYF and the 2 Guardians. The inevitable investigations that follows revealed no such abuse had taken place, it is also notable to note here that the first DCYF worker that appeared in court Did commit perjury in this regard in court. So did DCYF try to make it right? Did they come to me and say….”look art we apologize for this we were taken in by the 2 guardians (my GF sisters) and we will use the power of the state we have to make this right and return your daughter to you ASAP” NO THEY DID NOT. Instead in order to cover up their misdeeds they came up with another ploy. They now accuse me of being a control freak. Of using my GF for her disability check. Of speaking for her and acting for her. Of basically holding her as a slave. Like my ancestors were. When they would come to my home and start asking her Questions and completely ignoring the lies they told in the first place and trying to sweep the slander under the rug well hell yea I spoke up. When they tried to get her to sign a parenting plan that said “she is aware of the “concerns” about Arthur” not spelling out what these concerns either. Hell yes I spoke up. When the people who lied in court and slandered me and are keeping our daughter from coming home try to railroad, blackmail, and coerce my GF into saying I did something that I didn’t Hell yes I am going to speak up. Am I supposed to trust them now after all that? So my Crime that has kept me from seeing my daughter for the past 3 and a half years is that I stuck up for myself. And I called them on there lies. So I ask each and every one of you. What is Slavery? Is it the Turk in my past? Or is it the Turk in front of me? Is our Constitution so Vilified, is the Rule of law so corrupted that the we are only left with this absolute “FREEDOM OR DEATH”?
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:58:09 +0000

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