What does it mean to be saved...? Is that something that happens - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to be saved...? Is that something that happens instantaneously? Is salvation a promise of eternal life? What constitutes being saved? Saved from what? Matthew 24:13~Messiah says: But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Can we be saved before we endure to the end, or must we work out our salvation...while we endure to the end? Philippians 2:12~Wherefore, my beloved, as YE HAVE ALWAYS OBEYED, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT your own salvation with fear and trembling 13 For it is Elohim which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Has Salvation been brought to us yet? Messiah started the salvation process by overcoming sin and death...but it has NOT been banished yet...sin still abounds, so therefore salvation...the return of Yahusha has not taken place yet. It is a work in progress. But when we close our eyes for the last time in this life our fate is sealed and YHUH already knows who will be in the first or in the second resurrection. And pray you have no part of the second resurrection unto eternal death. Rev. 20:6 Psalms 40:8~ I delight to do thy WILL, O my Elohim: yea, thy law(TORAH) is within my heart. Job 36:11~If they OBEY and SERVE Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.. Good news of the TRUE GOSPEL of Salvation: Messiah died to take away the penalty for my breaking YHUHs commandments (The curse of the spiritual law of sin and death.) I confess and renounce my sins and accept Messiahs FREE gift of redemption from the power of sin and the CURSE of SIN. Now I want to LEARN and OBEY His commandments and walk in obedience to them, because of His love for me and do not want to go back to a life-style/way of life of sin (transgressing the law/Torah-1st John 3:4 ). I will now eat of the Tree of Life, which is TORAH (Word of YHUH which became Flesh), so that I can become like Messiah in nature and character, learning and obeying all the commandments of the Father that apply to me, as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob learned and obeyed. I understand that I must work out my salvation with fear and trembling, through this obedience, relying on the grace of Elohim to help me when I fail, make mistakes or sin, always repenting and returning to the way of the commandments. If I endure to the end I shall be saved from my sins. Rev 22:14~ Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life(eternal), and may enter in through the gates into the city. This is the narrow path that few are on which leads to life. We must transform ourselves and lives to that which the Father has instructed, the very thing Messiah lived...which was His Fathers law. There is a great deception within Christianity that says the law(Torah) is done away with...and they pick and choose what they wish to obey. If we break His law we have sinned. We must work out our salvation by KEEPING His commandments. 3 times in Revelation alone is it mentioned that His people KEEP His commandments. Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12, and Rev 22:14. His commandments are not burdensome and keeping them prove our love for our Creator (1st John 5:3). No one is saved until they have endured to the end. Even then we await the 1st resurrection. We work out our salvation with fear and with trembling and we die in the HOPE of being in the first resurrection. Our deeds follow us to the grave, this is why some who die believing they are saved wake to the voice of Yahusha saying depart from me you who worked inequity, your who are lawless....you didnt hear and obey me....they thought they were saved....but their deeds in the eyes of messiah said differently! If we are NOT hearing and doing what Yah said to do and we are doing what we “think” we should instead then we may be in danger of losing our souls. The thats not what it means to me and the I dont think of it that way and what is the harm of keeping this holiday or that holiday instead of keeping YHUHs Days and times truly matter to him....not doing them is called transgression of His Law.....which is lawlessness (to be with out the Law) which is what Satan is! This is why Yah told us to choose TODAY whom you serve and serve them....we cant do both!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:51:00 +0000

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