What does it mean to do everything as unto the Lord? He has to be - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to do everything as unto the Lord? He has to be first in all parts of our lives and it begins with honesty and integrity. He sold out everything to buy our pardon. We have to live as though He completely puchased our freedom from Satan. This is not a verse to play games with. This verse strikes at the very core of modern issues and provides instruction on how to stand against Satan. Please note that Christ did not pay for us to continue in a life of rebellion. No more than a man and a woman marry to live alone although being together in the same house. So to do all things as unto the Lord we must first remove ourselves and our excuses and make Him Lord completely. We know that we cant lie to God. Why then do we cheat ourselves and others with lies and reserve portions of decept to ourselves buying into Satans lie thinking we are somehow justified to act any way we want? Christ paid for us completely. When we buy into Satans lie of justification we do end up doing what we want, anytime we want, anyway we want, and to whom we want. In the moment we have been deceived and while we may be trying we are not walking in discipline. (Thank you sister Allyson for the wakeup call) I learned some time ago that when life abandoned me, Jesus was the only one still standing in the fire of life with me. He was all I needed. With respect to His grace He wants us to have more but on His terms. That is His prosperity doctrine. Consider this, are we not instructed to do all things as unto our Lord Jesus Christ? Of course we are. The real question is what value does it hold to us personally least we forget or are deceived as to what Christ has done for us. Why then do we as Christians think we could be justified to lie or tell a half truths or redirect questions to others? Why then do we as Christian think we could have and try to maintain a bad habit against the temple of the Holy Spirit such as smoking or drinking? Why then do we as Christians think we can do poorly at home or at work? Why then do we as Christians think we can put off family, relational, and financial responsibilities? It boils down to this, why are there fighting an arguings among us? These are all spiritual conditions of rebellion. We must allow Jesus to be Lord of all parts of our lives. Period, no way around it. The only way to live out this passage is to be His disciple not just a follower. Followers leave when times are tough. Disciplined people stay with it in all things. He paid for us dear family and He is coming back for a bride that is ready (disciplined). We owe our new life to Him. Likewise we must consider that we are family, so be sold out to each other. Love one another. In this way, the world will know that you are my disciples - Jesus. Christ did not say the world would know that we would be His trying followers. Christ said we would be proven disciples. Lord we commit completely to you and put aside, with your armor, the lies of Satan waiting to pull our chain again. Satan has used us as pawns against you and each other since the garden. We choose in discipline to stand with you our Lord, our Lord of everyrhing, in the unity of faith and love toward each other. Let us be discipline and not deceive ourselves either. Let us hold fast to your word in faith as though you are standing right here with us. We accept the challenge to be disciplined not just learned Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:46:34 +0000

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