What does it mean to forget? Is our consciousness merely a summary - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to forget? Is our consciousness merely a summary of our memories, or it is something more? There are 4 levels to our being as sentient individuals. The smallest level in physical scale is the particle level. This is the world of quarks and the Higgs Boson, and to be honest, we are just starting to understand the physics on that scale. Perhaps we are at our core, made of spinning, vibrating, extra-dimensional substances that transcend the known physics of our universe. The next level, and one we understand far better, in the chemical level. We know how particles form atoms, and how these atoms bond with each other to create molecules. We comprehend the electronic interplay that exists on this scale. After this, comes the actual living matter that comprises us, our cells, and specific to memory and processing, our neurons. Now what is notable about this level, is that on it exist the smallest pieces of us that do not recycle on a regular basis. The atoms and molecules in our body change. It has been estimated by scientists that the physical material in our bodies, completely recycles about every year. The person whose memories you remember from a year ago? Thats not actually YOU. The structure of your body is still the same, allowing memories to be retained, however, the chemical substances themselves have all been replaced. And that brings us to the final level, the metaphysical one. This is the consciousness, the spirit, the soul. This element of who we are, at the moment, is completely beyond our current grasp of scientific understanding. Some even deny its existence. Yet the tapestry of our society is completely interwoven with the threads of this plateau of phenomena. Many of us believe we can retain our memories, or at the very least our consciousness, after death. Those who experience being medically dead, only to be revived, tell stories of the other side. There are accounts of reincarnation, possession, and haunting, all phenomena that arent easily explained on the material level of science and physics. The answers here, might be found in a deeper understanding of how the smallest things in our universe exist. Weightless particles and other dimensions allow models of physics to be theorized that would make the supernatural an observable element of science. Until then, its for the philosophers to extrapolate meaning from the experiences that we compile. In this extrapolation, we can turn to computer theory to hypothesize about how consciousness works. For instance, when a file is deleted on a hard drive, the information is not actually lost or even moved. The computer just simply forgets where that information is stored. It can no longer make an electronic connection to retrieve and display the information. The illusion of more space is only created, because the computer now is given permission to overwrite that information when it needs to put something new there. Perhaps memories work the same way. We forget, when the neurons in our brains no longer connect our mental processing to certain arrays of information. If the memories still exist in the physical world, then what is to say their resonance cannot also continue to persist on a transcendent level of reality? Therein lies the secret properties of our consciousness, that can only be speculated upon. But the mysteries in life are one of the things that make it interesting and worth experiencing. The most scary idea in my opinion, is the notion that there is an end to the mystery, a limit to complexity.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:03:34 +0000

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