What does it mean to nurture that wooing to be a mystic mother? - - TopicsExpress


What does it mean to nurture that wooing to be a mystic mother? - It means the poetry of your soul is the desire above all else to treasure the majesty of Jesus’ divine love within your heart; to rest in the gentle beauty of His pure, endless acceptance, and sink into the comfort of that articulate love. It means to rest in the splendour of those gardens of His heart that were creatively planned, and kept secure and incorruptible, by Him, just for you and Him, from before the foundations of the earth. To dwell there, to rest there, to taste the sweet serenity of His kisses and hold His gaze, remaining in the moment, entirely lost in the sense of your Bridegroom’s Presence. When we are lost in Him, we are truly found. His voice is like many waters, the murmuring of a meadow brook that refreshes and awakens every part of you. Every hidden treasure within you is unveiled there – every mystery of heaven within you is shown to be already at hand. You realise you are already seeing and hearing in the Spirit, and everything is transformed – you see everything as it is: beautiful. His heart has the magnificence and elegance of a gorgeous red admiral butterfly, and He flutters and dances through your soul. Being a mystic mother is allowing Him to woo you with His love – for you to go beyond the veil into an awareness of deepest intimacy, and to let Him carry you to all of your dreams come true. He pours out gentleness, humility, compassion, purity, acceptance, and nurture to you and through you, like a beautiful endless stream of artistic inspiration. You become a radical lover and the calling fits you so perfectly, so comfortably, that it all feels the most natural life – the life of your design. You are encompassed by this love greater than life - this love completely enriches your life and hems you in with comfort and prosperity. You are saturated in the Source of creativity, of gentle grace and a divine softness and tenderness unlike anything else in this world. Life has at last found the rhythm of rest, and you are as a little leaf floating along on the current of His sweet, sweet waters. In this awareness, your every thought is a creative articulation of divine grace within you, and your every imagination is from the throne room of heaven, more real than that which is visible to the natural eye. He speaks to you in your love language, and He becomes your very love language. These top secret love-experiences are shared by you and Him alone, and from them are birthed hidden parables and symbols of ecstasy, known by you and Him, in the heart, before your mind is even enlightened to their meaning. You rest secure in the never-ending comfort of those words He speaks, for the voice of your Beloved is THE most desirable. There is no voice like His, it stirs you to your core, it is your very bread, and in His words there is the honey of life. He has the sweetest speech that always encourages and invigorates. Being a mystic of God’s heart of warm, cosy love means to experience with every drop of your being that first love intoxication – to not settle with dwelling in the areas of those formal, distant, cold, stone cathedrals of your theological frameworks, but to enter in through the curtains of His heart into an experience of deepest intimacy – of the paradise of being loved so perfectly, that it soothes and calms, comforts and yet ignites with all creative spices of desire. It means to see, to lovemake, to adore from the overflow of His adoration of you. You begin to see your Beloved in every pleasure – in the birds, in the flowers. You are in heaven whilst on earth, hidden in His heart and seeing life through His divine eyes, for He has possessed you with pleasure. “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God” – Psalm 42:1
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:58:34 +0000

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