What does it mean too combine two things into one? The world that - TopicsExpress


What does it mean too combine two things into one? The world that we live in is full of random chain reactions of molecules and particles combining and seperating or melding permanently into one new molecule. Is this all random or is there some pattern in the code of our dna that attracts us to and repels us from other compounds and particles? To think of all the beauty of this world there surely has to be some pattern that dictates the combination and creation of new molecules based on the laws of attraction and nature. There are different types of molecules and each can combine or re-act with specific other molecules and then will have no effect on others. In this way you could compare people to molecules... in that they are both governed by some set of rules: be them subconscious or written in our DNA; and attract or repel from other molecules. Sometimes there is a chain reaction when certain molecules combine often leading to the creation of new elements but...the initial chemical re-action could have worn off leaving both molecules changed but the reaction...having run its course leads to the new element existing. Both initial parent molecules have re-acted with each other and separated leaving them possibly changed forever but also having created said new element. In this way people and their interaction with others could be compared to the reaction of certain molecules; with results that may in essence seem random but could that chemical reaction have been fated to occur? What was it about both molecules that caused the reaction to take place exactly as it did? Science..? Destiny...? It is impossible to know when you as a person will meet and have an instant reaction with another person or know the outcome of that re-action for better or worse. The chemical re-action could burn fast and bright then be gone...or the two molecules could bind into a new compound held in place by every detail of both molecule and their previous experiences having taken away or given something to each molecule and both molecules will re-act to every minute detail of the other and sometimes the two can create a bond so strong it can not be undone...super glue? It is being able to read and determine the potential outcome of these seemingly random events and analyze how the effects of previous re-actions have changed our molecule; and taking that into account predict the re-action those two molecules will have based on all the information you have; that makes us all scientists regardless of job or title. We are scientists of love ever searching for happiness in a land full of danger, mystery and the unknown.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:27:49 +0000

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