What does saved mean Therefore, O house of Israel [That is the - TopicsExpress


What does saved mean Therefore, O house of Israel [That is the Church and the Lords Bride included in the term Israel], I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign YHVH/Lord God. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign YHVH. Repent and live, Ezekiel 18:30-32. Notice that it is only after repenting and turning from all your offenses or from having a wrongful mindset that is not based on Truth but physicality seeing and speaking that man receives and YOU MAKE a new heart and a new spirit. This renewal or rebirth is a return to the Torah and the truth of Salvation = Yeshua to God. THE message of the Messiah is seen in Matthew 4:17, From that time on Yshua began to preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is present in time and space, I preached that they should repent and turn to Elohim and prove their repentance by their deeds, said Paul in Acts 26:20. The deeds are the works of Salvation that Yeshua said would follow believers who got out of the first Adam thinking and renewed their mind to the Second Adams thinking. The power of TRUE repentance is an amazing thing, for it enables the new man to fellowship with the Holy God because repentance from old thinking actually wipes out all memory and stain of the sin nature and the sins caused by thinking that way. Come now, let us reason together, says YHVH. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool, Isaiah 1:18. Dont just say you are sorry when you offend or make a mistake. Take the time to turn from the action and make restitution for the pain you have caused to yourself and others. The first question I ask the Prophetic training school students is, “what does Salvation mean.” If you are “SAVED” then what were you saved from and saved to? If you believe Yeshua took your feet out of the miry clay of sin and sins and planted your feet on Him as the solid Rock, does He have clay there for you to get trapped in and how can He use the same clay to teach you? How can you be perfected in Gods Faith if you think you are still trapped in the waters and clay of sin preachers teach? Yeshua asked Peter why did you see problems and waves when you walked out here. Has anything changed when the waves weren’t effecting you in the first place? Some of you have never gotten out of the boat but brag about your good intentions of how you would if you have the chance. Why do you allow preachers to use Old Testament scriptures when they only pointed to being saved and were never fulfilled to walk in until Calvary and the resurrection? How is there salvation in the Blood if you have to beg God for what He says He freely did? That is not faith, but folly! There is no salvation in believing lies and there are many man believes and does them anyway thinking God will overlook them. In fact God says if you don’t attain Him in your thinking as truth, He will send you strong delusion that you will believe lies, 2 Thes. 2:10-12 & Isaiah 66:4. There are those today who think that Peter heard a rooster crow three times because the Greek says that and it is a lie. There were no chickens allowed near the Holy Temple! It was the synagogue gate keeper who slept outside the temple and when the sun would rise he would cry out for the rabbis and Torah scholars and people to come worship three times. There are many more lies in modern day translations that the Hebrew doesn’t say what man says it does. The Word says let the redeemed of the Lord say so, not beg out of fear and then because you never trained your spirit to rule your mind you blaspheme God and say He is teaching you. If He is teaching you why all the crying and begging! Now let’s talk about the individual person who is supposed to walk in all the provisions of the Blood. Say your child is sick or oppressed or vexed with a evil spirit of spirit of infirmity, is the mother or father supposed to stand there and beg God for healing, ask Him if the Blood did nothing that the Word says it did, tell the child God is teaching them in their pain and suffering, call a doctor and spend thousands, call the so called prayer warriors who beg and bawl the same as you, try to find someone who claims to be in one of the fivefold ministry and get a buy signal or leave a message on the phone or command the thing to leave as God says to do? It is amazing that Satan has the ability to afflict people but God doesn’t have enough power and authority to stop it or has to settle for Him teaching you how to endure it! The magicians of old could throw a stick to the ground and change it into a snake and the so called prophets, apostles, evangelist, pastors and teachers of today only RUN like hell and should be doing the works of God who they claim is in them. What are you allowing yourself to be taught by man? How true the Word is in Isaiah 14:16 that says they that see you shall narrowly look on you and consider you saying, “IS THIS THE MAN” that made the earth to tremble, that did shake the kingdoms. Notice it says “MAN” that stood in the pulpit and spoke Satan’s darkness as light. LET EVERY MAN EXAMINE THEMSELVES TO SEE IF THEY ARE IN GODS FAITH! Proverbs 1: 22 “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?” These are the first lines of the cry of Gods Wisdom addressing those who claim to be preachers and believers in the open squares, in the chief concourses and at the openings of the gates in the city, meaning mankind in general. We can read into her words a touch of incredulity or even of despair as if she cannot believe how dull and thick-headed people are for failing to grasp that their behavior is frankly stupid, foolish and self-destructive. Gods Wisdom calls these people simple ones and the Hebrew word, “peti” suggests foolishness, naive and to have a lack of sound judgment. As the Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament) explains, this word pertain[s] to persons that are easily deceived or persuaded, showing lack of wisdom and understanding, yet having some capacity to change this condition. She, then, is speaking to ordinary people—mentally sound individuals—who have allowed themselves to be convinced, contrary to the Bloods evidence and that their lifestyles are good and profitable. Scorners and fools, though technically different groups, are included in the whole mass of simple ones. Put even more simply, Wisdom is telling these people that they cannot fall back on the claim of ignorance as an excuse because they should know better! If nothing else, they should be able to see that the results of the way they live are harmful, ending in misery and death. On the other hand, Gods way of abundant life Yeshua said He came to give and provides and blessing is readily available and accessible in His Word, in natural law and in the spiritual lives of those who follow His instruction. So the obvious question must be, If the right way to live is so abundantly clear, why don’t they change? Wisdom answers this in the last half of the verse: For scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge. In other words, their foolishness is deliberate; in fact, there is a kind of perverse stubbornness and rebellion in their refusal to change. They enjoy mocking and criticizing God by calling those who speak Truth them and being false, are ignorant of His ways and what His people have through the Blood and they utterly despise Truth as the Jews did. I wonder why Yeshua never told even one person that it may not be Fathers will to heal or deliver so they can learn from God. This same Saviour who says He now lives in you must have changed His mind and lost His interest in His own Words He said Father gave Him to speak and changes not! Why would He say “learn of Me and yet want to teach you how to endure with all the curses? Prophet Joe
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:11:13 +0000

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