What does the Five Pillars of Health mean to you? We were made - TopicsExpress


What does the Five Pillars of Health mean to you? We were made with a purpose. I really don’t believe that purpose was to scramble around to make just enough money to pay our bills. It wasn’t to only be picking up the pieces of the broken lives of some of our family members nor was it to constantly be going in and out of the hospital to find out what was already wrong with us. We as the Human race are always playing catch-up. Where is the balance? I think we were made with a purpose and it was not to live in a life without balance. For instance, if one part of our bodies is broken or not there the rest of our body has to make up for it. I am right handed so my right hand has a different purpose than my left. My right hand is the leader and my left hand is the helper. What would happen to my right hand if i lost my left? My right hand would not have a helper and would be rendered very inefficient and not so much as a ‘leader’. In such an analogy our body is a whole and each part is a NECESSARY part of this body for it to function with full capacity. Such is true WITHIN each part of the Five Pillars. We know already that the body is made up of parts and each part depends upon each other to function with full capacity. The same goes with the Mind. Some of the parts in mind include the intellectual, emotional and the spiritual parts. If the intellectual part of my mind is working properly but the other two are not we will be severely stunted in growth not unlike the character Sheldon in the popular television sitcom. How would we create healthy relationships? If we only are functioning on our emotional side we will most likely alienate everyone we know and if we can only function in a spiritual realm (in our minds) how will we make sure our kids are getting to school on time or whether or not we have changed the oil in our car? We need each part of our mind to function properly. I could go on about family, society and finances but I think you understand. In EVERY aspect of this world, more specifically our lives, there are separate parts that work together to make the WHOLE. If we neglect one part it is not a whole any more and will not function to full capacity. So, our lives are made up of our Bodies, Minds, Families, Societies and our Finances. Which one do you think you could live without and still be happy? I, for one, can not pick one. I could not live without any one of them. For the many years I was neglecting my body with poor nutrition and poor posture. I was doing myself an injustice. Eventually I began to not feel well all the time and this in turn effected how I felt about myself and whether or not I could go see my family. It also determined whether or not I could keep my friends or make new ones and it determined whether I could go to work. Neglecting one part of the Five Pillars influenced the remaining Four negatively. My life was out of balance and I was unhappy. It was temporary, however, and I was able to correct my nutrition and my posture but I would not wish going through that on anyone. Verdure’s Harvest is an advocate of keeping the Five Pillars of your life in BALANCE. How can you do that? We, Nikken, offer you the means to attain this balance, through Nikken products and the Nikken business opportunity. Check us out at VerduresHarvest/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 02:46:15 +0000

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