What does the Message say? Extract of the Book of Prophet - TopicsExpress


What does the Message say? Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe Kc.1 / philippekacou.org 8 This Message says that we are no longer in the Evening Time but at Midnight. However, it is the same age and same Spirit of Elijah, but a New Message which is a High Scope of That of the Evening Time. [Zechariah 14:7 /Matthew 25:6]. 9 This Message says that the world council of churches, ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... catholic churches, orthodox churches, methodist churches, ekankar, horus sect, lutheran churches, anglican churches, mahikari, baptist churches, rosicrucians, the nazarene church, scientology, esotericism, anabaptist churches, voodoo, adventist churches, companions of Jesus, emmaus mission, inner life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare church, freemasons, pentecostal churches, worship of inca gods, protestant churches, krishna, church of christ, transcendental meditation, holy grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, mormons, guru maharaja, ... prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including branhamists [those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in Its Purity] are purgatories and nets of Satan to send people to hell and that the spirits that minister in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. These are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which aroused the fetish priests. 10 This Message says that these are the same demons that gave rise to Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Johnny Haliday, Papa Wemba that aroused today these evangelical groups and singers like Onell Mala, Makoma, ... 11 This Message says that these Joël Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón, Guillermo Maldonado, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, Dante Gebel, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo TL Osborn, Morris Cerullo, Yongi Cho, Win Worley, Rebecca Brown, Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Frank Alexander, D. Owens, S. Swingfield, L. Allison, Frank Ewald, Joseph Coleman, Christian Bernard, Jim Lassiter, DK Olukoya, Zach. Adetola, Charles Talingano, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, ... Kacou Severin, Faustin Shungu, Mamadou Karambiri, Charles Ndifon, Martin Mutyebelé, Derek Prince, Andre Larrue, Yvan Castanou, Shora Kuetu, Kakou Gem, Konrad Raiser, Setri Nyomi, Paul Ayoh, George Freeman, Cecil Robeck, Theodor Angelou, Hamsa Eichler, Beth Beach, Ricardo di Segni, Samuel-René Sirat, Nichiko Niwano, Henri Viaud-Murat, Rabbin Schneider, David Rosen, ... all those who follow or work in the same spirit as them and all the prophets who crisscross countries are magicians, soothsayers and fetish priests, wandering stars, at the service of Satan to deceive the inhabitants of the earth whose names had not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb before the founding of the world (as in the days of Noah) and that their ministry is that of the serpent (Genesis 3, Mat.24:24) and of the frog (Rev.16:13-14) and of the dragon. It is God Himself who aroused them as an army against his enemies (1 Kings 22:19-23, 2 Thes. 2:9-12). And all their miracles, including those of the branhamists, aim at seducing and preventing the Elect from going out of Egypt and hardening the heart of their pharaohs and their kings. 12 This Message says that the protestant, evangelical churches, including the so-called revealed or restored churches and missions and ministries are the image of the beast, catholicism, itself an image of islam and have received its mark, its spirit that they call holy spirit. Even if they speak in other tongues, baptise in the Name of Jesus Christ, resurrect the dead and preach the whole Bible, the spirits that are inspiring them are the spirit of python, the spirit of divination. This Message says that a water Baptism for the Restitution is necessary to all the inhabitants of the earth. 13 This Message says that the Louis Segond, Tob, Martin, Crampon, Thompson, Scofield, Ostervald, Colombe, Semeur,King James, NWT bibles and affiliates including all reviewed and revised versions are canaries of fetishes. And that the so- called christian bookstores are the image of bookstores of occult, esoteric, mystic and divinatory sciences. And that the radios and TVs of protestant and evangelical churches after the example of frequence vie are the image of catholic media and therefore drains of all kinds of defilement and impurities. 14 This Message condemns any form of pastoral school. This Message condemns theology [theo = god, logy = study] which is a science which has its source in hell. We can neither study God nor study His Word. It is God himself who reveals His Word or reveals Himself to whom He wants. This Message condemns auricular confession [to a priest or a pastor] and says that every confession should be public, before the Congregation. 15 This Message says that the Sole and Unique Rules and Regulations of the Church is the Bible and the Church cannot submit to the State and therefore we do not recognize the authority of a minister of worship on us. 16 This Message says that all councils, unions and federations of churches on the national and international level, are dragons, satanic caricatures working for the cause of Satan. 17 On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, Brother Philippe burnt a large quantity of evangelical books, tapes and treaties some of which are Tob, Louis Segond, Martin, Ostervald, King James bibles and books of the emperors Billy Graham, Ewald Frank, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, TL Osborn, cassettes of the film Jesus of Nazareth, rosaries, some diplomas of theology and of various bible trainings, baptism cards, tapes of religious and pagan singers... These documents are brought by those who believe in the Midnight Cry according to Acts 19:18-19. Since then, the Faithful do the same, burning these things. 18 It’s this Message that will bring the Gathering, Persecution and Rapture of the Elect but which must go to the ends of the earth. 19 Moreover, this Message reveals the last Mysteries and the Fulfillment of the last Promises of God to the Church of nations, Which are contained in the Old and New Testament and the Understanding and Acceptance of which are given to the Elect according to Daniel 12:8-10: Many shall be Purified, and be made White, and be Refined... and none of the wicked shall understand. And Acts 13:48 says: ... and believed, as many as were ordained to Eternal Life. 20 And every man must understand that no one can stand by himself and burn dozens of bibles, condemn strongly all those churches, their leaders and their followers with the Authority that belongs to God Alone. In such a case, no matter who will stop you, you are bound to seek to know what is happening, for, at the Judgment, every person will answer for himself. 21 [Since August 2003, this Chapter is the Booklet distributed during Evangelisation, with the names of pastors and prophets of the nations. It is considered as the Passage of the Red Sea to enter the Message. No one other than Moses and the Jews can pass by the Mighty Hand of God. And in August 2006, the Spirit had told to Prophet Kacou Philippe Put the first Preaching in the size of Bible Scriptures and the number of pages that you will find is the length and the number of pages for the Message which has been entrusted to you].
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 03:51:45 +0000

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