What does the Messiah teach about riches? The Messiah nor the - TopicsExpress


What does the Messiah teach about riches? The Messiah nor the Disciples were RICH. Not separate or together. Now lets see who teaches or speak the same as the MESSIAH. AGAIN, WE WILL SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES AS THE ONLY TRUTH. Learning the TRUTH will REVEAL FALSE PROPHETS, PASTORS, and TEACHERS. BEWARE OF ALL THOSE WHO PROPHERCY TO YOU ABOUT MONEY AND MORE MONEY. HOW YOU WILL BE BLESSED WITH MONEY. BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, BUT TEST EVERY SPIRIT AND SEE IF IT BE OF THE MOST HIGH. Kenneth Hagin claims not only for himself but for the Scriptures written promise, He [also] wants His children to eat the best, He wants them to wear the best clothing, He wants them to drive the best cars, and He wants them to have the best of everything. (Quoted by D.L. McConnell a different Gospel p.175) Did not the Messiah say, BLESSED are YOU WHO are POOR, for YOURS is the KINGDOM of YAHUAH. (Luke 6:20) Who is RIGHT? Was it RICHES he was PROMISING or SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS? Throughout the Scriptures there is a constant warning of RICHES BEING a SNARE. David who HAD it ALL, PRAYED that the MOST HIGH would not give him too little, that he would be in need or too much that he would forget THE MOST HIGH. In the middle ages the congregation thought that for one to to be poor was equivalent to being spiritual. Today it is on the OPPOSITE extreme, to be RICH shows the MOST HIGHS blessings. They have fixed their eyes on earth and become subject to the earthly law of gravity, instead of fixing their eyes to heaven above by TRUE FAITH . Do riches prove the MOST HIGHS blessings? Nothing could be FURTHER from the TRUTH. Their are many sinners, heathen, atheist and people who believe in all sorts of FALSE GODS (MIGHTY ONES), who are RICH DESPITE their DISBELIEF. Prosperity is not an absolute to show The MOST HIGHS hand in ones life, it MIGHT in FACT SHOW the OPPOSITE. Proverbs 16:16: tells those who want to pursue the ALMIGHTY - it is BETTER to get WISDOM INSTEAD of GOLD. Matt 6:19-21: DO NOT LAY UP for YOURSELVES TREASURES on EARTH, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; BUT LAY UP for YOURSELVES TREASURES in HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO. Jonathan Edwards said Aim at heaven and you get earth thrown in, aim at earth and you get neither. Matt 13:22-23: Now HE who RECEIVED SEED AMONG the THORNS is HE who HEARS the WORD, and the CARES of THIS WORLD and the DECEITFULNESS of RICHES CHOKE the WORD, and HE BECOMES UNFRUITFUL. V.23But HE WHO RECEIVED SEED on the GOOD GROUND is HE WHO HEARS the WORD and UNDERSTANDS IT, who INDEED BEARS FRUIT and PRODUCES: SOME a HUNDREDFOLD, SOME SIXTY, SOME THIRTY. Avanzini and MANY MORE PASTORS, TEACHERS and FALSE PROPHETS distorts this scripture like no other saying that the SEED is MONEY (TITHES, PLANTING & SOWING) and that we can get a HUNDRED FOLD RETURN. Do we see this taught by The MESSIAH or the DISCIPLES? NO! This is an insertion to ATTRACT INCREASE, MAINLY to HIMSELF. MESSIAH explains the parable of the sower by saying in vs.19 the SEED is the WORD and before that he explains how the people need ears to hear so they can understand and be fruitful. In vs. 37 he explains further that the sower of the good seed is the son of man which is either MESSIAH himself or THOSE who PREACH the SAME MESSAGE of HIS WORD. The GOOD SEEDS are the SONS of the KINGDOM. In other words THOSE BORN of INCORRUPTIBLE SEED which is the WORD of YAHUAH THE ALMIGHTY. 1 Pt.1:23 are in the world as a growing plant to produce fruit of the spirit. Matt 10:38: And he who does not take his STAKE / TREE and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Mark 8:34-37: When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, Whoever desires to come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and take up his STAKE / TREE, and follow me For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the GOOD NEWS will save it. For what will it profit a man if HE GAINS the WHOLE WORLD, and LOSES HIS OWN SOUL? Or WHAT WILL a MAN GIVE in EXCHANGE for HIS SOUL? In other words the pursuit to be FINANCIALLY FREE and KEEP on GAINING is not what we are to be focused on. Denying oneself may MEAN to GIVE UP a LOT. It depends on how ATTACHED and ATTRACTED ONES SOUL is to the COMFORTABLE THINGS OF LIFE. Luke 12:15-21: And He said to them, TAKE HEED and BEWARE of COVETOUSNESS, for ones LIFE does not CONSIST in the ABUNDANCE of the THINGS HE POSSESSES. Then He spoke a parable to them, about a rich man who was planning his future expansion, he sums it up in vs.21So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward THE ALMIGHTY. Do we ever hear sermons on the TV, radio, teachers, or pastors of BEING RICH TOWARD THE MOST HIGH WITHOUT MONEY? I think not! Luke 14:33: SO LIKEWISE, WHOEVER of YOU DOES NOT FORSAKE ALL THAT HE HAS CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE. This again is a hyperbole. Give up your possessions for self use (sometimes completely divorcing oneself from them) so as not trusting in the world but THE MOST HIGH alone.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:52:04 +0000

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