What does the future of our country look like? A look through - TopicsExpress


What does the future of our country look like? A look through history can reveal some possibilities. "Under the Tsar, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. That all changed when Stalin and the communists took control. Stalin was able to control, starve, punish and imprison a defenseless people… after he took their guns. But before Stalin could confiscate the guns he needed a national gun registry." It is also true that Hitler confiscated the guns from the Jews, making them defenseless and easy to round up once all of the pieces were in place for Hitlers agenda, then WWII started. All psychopaths are the same, and Obama is certainly no exception. As any eye witness can see, Obama is leading us down a dark road to civil war or World War 3. If he signs this treaty, the American people will not go quietly into the night. I am warning you that a tornado is coming and that we need to take action. We can either let our administration continue to bring in hell on Earth. Or we can make a conscious effort to change our path and we can quite literally bring Heaven back to Earth. The choice is yours, choose wisely.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:23:03 +0000

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