....What does this “mind crap” have to do with economic - TopicsExpress


....What does this “mind crap” have to do with economic justice? If we are to change the way we think about our world, then we must understand the role that thinking plays in experience and we must know the Mind’s methods with which we think. Each of us operates in two different modes all at once. My body in physical space//time is obviously me. My mind in psycho//social space//time is also me, but I seem even more isolated and separate from others in that space//time then I am in physical space//time. Just as our bodies share physical space//time, so our minds share psycho//social space//time with others. I feel alone and separate, but now I know that I exist in a sea of other minds and this space//time has an entirely different set of physics; mental time and space behave differently from the physical time/space. WHERE MINDS MEET We meet together at work, we meet together at church and we meet for lunch. But if we’ve come to a meeting of the minds, then our minds can be working together with others even while our bodies are in different places and even when separate in time from each other and doing entirely different things. When we consider public issues of great import, look just one level deeper and you will see it is what minds are making of it that both drives the problems and the solutions..... ....Its true the physical work men and women do together builds highways, sky scrapers and a Big Mac Hamburger, but the mental work men and women do together literally creates our world of experience the idea of a road, sky scraper or a Big Mac, even a hamburger itself. Some have no concept of hamburger or any abstraction we take for granted as part of the world. Abstractions are not part of the physical world. They are part of the psycho//social world we share, which do exist in the world independent of our person. Economic activity is primarily a result of focus, thinking clearly and concisely, then acting within a market to take a profit. Only a mind does this, the currency paid is attention..... ....As our minds consumed the dramas and methods of industrialism we became convinced by the language others used to describe the world as it was believed to work at the time, and so people came to use the same terms at home to describe that situation, accurate and appropriate or not. As people characterized what appeared to be happening in the world unfolding around them, they internalized the significance they assigned to things like factory Labor, blue-collar, white collar, owner class and a host of other ideas which they understood described the world outside their minds as it was. For 1700 years the mental model worked The explanation supplied by industrialism more or less described the real world sufficiently for people to understand their experience and to successfully apply its lessons to other aspects of being alive outside of commerce & industry. Today, this somewhat simplified vision of how the world worked utterly fails to inform us what is happening now or who decision-makers are. This over-simplified vision actually misleads us as we seek to understand how the intricate workings of a single global economy actually unfolds creating your day to day experience. A VAST GLOBAL CONFIDENCE GAME The idea of a national economy is becoming a less viable concept every day. As my mind encompasses the essentials of economic markets, it really boils down to a parallel series of confidence levels and expectations. Consumers with confidence in their jobs by large ticket items. Investors with confidence in the stock market and a particular corporate management invest, those suspicious of management sell short, but their obvious confidence in the marketplace remains. Corporate management confidence is shown when capital assets are purchased or spending to expand a successful division. Citizens with confidence in government go the extra mile, those who lack confidence in government transmit their suspicion to the community. The entire super system of global economics and government rests upon confidence at several levels. Restoring confidence will rest on helping people see transparent decision-making, and the altered relationships that drive this new, non-industrial based economy. rgj...Once again Charles Shank, this is my first of two teasers for this 2-page issue....remember , issues 9, 10, 11, 17 and 18- born into disney land...rgj
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:57:49 +0000

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