"What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2013? This - TopicsExpress


"What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2013? This month has a strong, opening, releasing energy. The feeling of the month is like dam bursting and water flowing forth, or like the feeling of walking through a dark forest for a long time and suddenly opening into a sunny meadow. There is a feeling of spreading out and a sense that everything is getting bigger. You may find that anything that has been blocked before will now be available to move forward, flow and expand. The sense that everything moving forward can be very exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. It is important for all of you that you be grounded and intentional this month, even as you are catching wave upon wave of expansive new opportunities. The opening and the rushing forward will include both projects and activities that you have been waiting for. It will include new forms of growth, new relationships, and a release of blockages in old relationships. This opening will lead you to an opening of old emotion that has been held back as well. Do not be surprised if you find yourself feeling more emotional this month. Do not be surprised if you see people overreacting in both positive and negative ways. If you will stay grounded in integrity, you can really enjoy the rush of this. If you are not grounded, then you very well may be knocked over. There is also a sense of water as a metaphor for emotion and for the flow that is opening up. In the image that we gave of a dam breaking and water rushing forward, you are not the person standing with the water rushing toward you. Instead, this month, you are the water. You are the thing that is bursting forward. You are the thing that is finally being released. It will be more important than ever this month that you take accountability for yourself and your own actions. Do not wait for others to fix you. Do not wait for others to give you permission. Do not blame other people for the way things are going wrong, and do not give other people credit for the way things are going right. Take full accountability for everything about you -- your words, your thoughts, your actions, and the outcomes that rush forth from you. This can be a really liberating, really exciting month for each of you individually and for humanity collectively. It can also be overwhelming and it is up to you to make sure that you take very good care of yourselves, that you keep your eyes wide open and that you are very intentional with what you engage in throughout the month. Are there specific activities we can use to best connect with the energy of October 2013? One thing that will help all of you is to very actively connect with Planet Earth. Use prayer, meditation and ritual. Also use long walks, deep breaths and visualizations to make sure you are connected with nature. Watch the rhythms of nature, feel the sense that your body is really connected to Planet Earth. Stop to enjoy the sense that gravity keeps you safely, securely here on this planet. Use your body more than usual this month to help you find your sense of self. Take deep breaths, stretch your muscles, exercise, and get your blood moving. Do not just look at a tree, put your hands on the tree. Do not just watch the water go by, dip your toes in it or take swim. Anything you can do to be bodily engaged in the world around you will help you with being grounded and it will help you connect to a bigger power. It will help you connect to something greater than yourself, which is really what this month is all about. A second thing you can do this month is to give yourself an outlet for your emotions on a daily basis. Find an activity that allows you to channel your emotions and release them every single day. This might be some form of exercise like walking or running. It might be journaling, talking to a friend or talking to your dog, or it might include a therapy appointment. You might try writing poetry, singing, or other art forms. Anything that helps you release your emotions in a consistent and structured way will serve you. Make sure you do this intentionally on a daily basis. Clear any emotions as they come to the surface so that you do not end up with a backed up blockage. This will help you avoid being overwhelmed by the rushing energy of the month... " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations. It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistribution.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:07:55 +0000

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