What follows are a few personal thoughts on why suicide is a - TopicsExpress


What follows are a few personal thoughts on why suicide is a really bad idea. I write them in the hope of discouraging anyone who feels somehow empowered to follow the example of others who have chosen to kill themselves. What Im about to write is really out there by main stream standards. If you know me, you wont be surprised, and though I dont claim to know any of these things to be true for sure, I do believe the ideas are worth expressing and consideration, especially if you are thinking seriously about ending your own life. So here we go up the flag pole: Incarnation is a tricky business. Think way back to before you remember - back to before you were any thing at all. Imagine the Great Mystery of all being and non-being opting to create, out of the void, an individualized unit of consciousness, an energy field, a you. You, gifted with free-will to choose one thing from another. You, gifted with opportunity to co-create an infinitely complex array of outwardly spiraling realities, all the while sustained and supported by the transcendent Source of all things known and unknown. Imagine that in this way you were born, and from there your essence began to etch itself into the field of space and time, who knows how long ago? Imagine that your initial free-will choices could be described and represented mathematically, characterized as particular frequencies of vibration, rippling out in concentric rings across the surface of co-creation, colliding with, and influenced by the free-will choices of other individualized units of consciousness, similarly created by the Great Mystery. Imagine that as you accumulated experience and information in space, and over time, that it became necessary to manifest and occupy vehicles in which you could progress further and deeper into co-creation, gradually manifesting yourself at successively slower octaves of vibration. Now imagine that you currently retain each of those consecutive vehicles while moving down into the lower octaves, sort of like building a piano by working your way right-to-left down the keyboard. Imagine that at some point you acquired a vehicle in which to reside on the mental plane of existence, there to review, analyze and organize the data of your ongoing experience. Later, upon descending into the octave of emotion, another vehicle became necessary that you might explore the realm of feeling. Imagine further that you eventually chose to take on one more final, fleshy vehicle, the one in which you now live, move, and have your being here on the physical plane. These three lowest octaves of vibration, the mental, emotional, and physical planes of existence, constitute the realm of Karma, and the Law of Karma applies to all who inhabit them. Heres one way of putting it: Any thought you think, any feeling you feel, any word you speak, and any action you perform in this realm will bear fruit, and of that fruit you must eat, not one-fold, but ten-fold. So lets say youve come to the end of your rope, suffering with mental illness, scarred from abuse as a child, and/or youve struggled with depression and addiction throughout your entire life. Maybe youve tried rehab, even several times, but continue to relapse. Or perhaps our poor excuse for a mental healthcare system has just plain failed you, and suicide seems like the only way out. The big problem is, that if you do go through with it, you will only be able to kill your physical vehicle. Your life on the emotional, mental and all other planes of existence will continue in the vehicles created for experiencing those realms. After your suicide, all the mental and emotional pain you are feeling will be magnified in the extreme, now unmitigated by the physical vehicle you have killed - the physical vehicle you needed in order to fully work out your accumulated Karma. In other words, the issues which led you to suicide in the first place will become far worse, and youll have no way to deal with them until you can return to the physical plane. When you do, ironically, youll have to face the same Karma all over again, as many times as necessary, until you manage to work through it. Delays and distractions are possible, but the main road out goes through. Some say suicide is the ultimate blasphemy, and that those who kill themselves will be consigned to eternal hell fire and damnation by God. I disagree, and assert that the Creator would never do such a thing - but we ARE responsible for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. We must and will learn our lessons, no matter how long it takes. I wonder how Robin Williams looks at things today. I wish he could tell us now, in that hilarious frenetic voice of his. I believe he would change his final message to the world.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:37:06 +0000

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