What follows is a post I made on Ken Hams Facebook page, after he - TopicsExpress


What follows is a post I made on Ken Hams Facebook page, after he informed me that I am incorrect about RTBs views on human origins. Ken Ham, I do believe that I understand the RTB view of hominids and human origins. I wrote nearly all of Who Was Adam? and I have written (off the top of my head) nearly 100 articles for our website and other publications on human origins. In effect, I have played a central role in defining, describing and defending the RTB view on the origin of humanity. So, I think I know what our view is...and what it isnt. So, I really dont need you to tell me what RTBs view is and what it isnt. You consistently misrepresent our views. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, here. Instead of thinking that you are deliberately misrepresenting our views, I imagine you probably havent taken the time to try to understand our perspective. I am okay (really, I am) with criticism of our views. And both Hugh Ross and I will gladly engage criticism of our ideas. But, please take the effort to properly understand our perspective and position and properly convey it, when you do criticize RTBs position, instead of describing our position using the worst possible, emotive language. As for defining fossils...I have studied anthropology for over 20 years. (I do have a PhD in biochemistry, but was in a pre-med program and do understand a few things about human anatomy.) I have read thousands of papers in the peer review scientific literature and many graduate level textbooks. I have interacted with some of the worlds leading paleoanthropologists. Additionally, I teach a graduate level seminar on human origins. So, I do think I have a pretty good understanding of how to classify hominid fossils. I also have a good understanding about the debates among anthropologists regarding hominid fossil classification, as well. I do agree that we at RTB classify the hominids differently than many YECs. But, I would maintain that we follow the standard scientific paradigm in our classification.Just because we classify hominids differently than you, doesnt mean you are right and we are wrong. The one place where we deviate from the standard classification scheme is in the use of the term hominid. We reserve that designation for all of the hominids, except modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens), which we define with the term human. Though anthropologists regard all the hominids and modern humans as human, we make a distinction, because we believe that modern humans are uniquely made in Gods image. Our use of terms is carefully defined in Who Was Adam? Again, you may want to read the handful of paragraphs in the book, where we delineate our use of terms.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:35:33 +0000

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