What got witches into the realm of rhetorical allegory in the - TopicsExpress


What got witches into the realm of rhetorical allegory in the first place was the civilized narrative that would have us believe that the supernatural does not exist, or if it does, it is a mysterious, distant thing, like some distant god who is safe to pray to and believe in on account of how he doesnt directly intervene in our lives or the world in any measurable, predictable way, as opposed to a force that individuals could manifest from inside themselves and this world. Civilization needs doubtful, weak, confused, directionless people to operate the way it does now. Empowerment- people gaining power from the Unseen world, and from allies in this world- was _real_ and sorcerers and witches from the past gained it. It got psychologized into wishful thinking on the part of disempowered people by the narrative of the rational mainstream on account of the need of civilization to wipe away the intensity of the personal experience, to wash peoples real potential away and blend them anonymously into the crowd of humanity that must perpetually remain in just a certain way for things to keep running as they do. Witches arent popular because people want to feel special. Witches are popular because they were once real, and in rare places remain real. The image of the sorcerously-attained person reminds our souls that we do have something more to us than just social security numbers and paychecks and bills to pay. The cynical, materialistic narrative that denies this, or worse, tries to put the emotional needs band-aid on it, or the laughable mental illness explanation, is the real problem. Again, the icon of the witch or sorcerer isnt popular because people want to feel special. People _are_ special, no matter how densely entangled they have become in widespread social narratives that foist a wrong view of what a human being is, onto everyone. A billion people believing a lie doesnt make it true all of a sudden; its still just a widespread lie. But when enough people learn to call the lie truth, suddenly, every silly accommodating explanation the lie requires to maintain its existence achieves a mighty-seeming authority. We saw this with the church for 1700 years, and now we see it with the atheistic paradigm that grows stronger every year. time/3532279/witches-halloween-salem/
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:40:49 +0000

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