What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that - TopicsExpress


What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life--to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting? This is the first night I am having trouble sleeping. I have been moving through the days finishing up the details that come when you lose someone, the multitude of endings you have to tie in a bundle and place in the filing cabinet for safe-keeping. The days are busy enough that sleeping has come easily. Tonight has been a little different. Some have told me not to make quick decisions, to take time before making big changes. In theory that sounds smart. The reasoning behind that suggestion intelligent. But changes they are a comin! On Thursday I accepted a new job in Lexington. My projected start date is March 1. This week I will be meeting with a realtor to hopefully get the house on the market very quickly. Prayer warriors, I need your help! When we left Lexington several years ago the home we were selling sat for almost 14 months without a buyer. Please pray that the right person will walk through the door and love the home that David and I have shared. I love this home. But I have come to realize leaving here is a necessity simply for my peace of mind. Living here is harder then I thought it would be. That, coupled with all of the discussions David and I had about my future, have made me confident in the swiftness of these decisions. I am ready to go home! I believe that God is opening doors for me to make this move. I am so excited about the job I have accepted! I believe it is going to be a beautiful fit for my security, and for my heart. I also believe that when he swings a door wide open you should take that leap of faith and step through. David taught me throughout our marriage that stepping out even when we cant see the whole picture is exactly where God is waiting to love us, to teach us, and to grow us. There is already solid ground in front of me. I am trusting Him to tie up the other details while I work hard to make things happen too. I am so excited about the future. David taught me that too. There are no words to describe how much I miss him. I still cant imagine my life without him. But I am so thankful for the ways he encouraged me to trust my instincts, and to have confidence in myself for the future. While I learned a great deal from him throughout our marriage, I learned far more from him since he began his journey through cancer. He taught me how to live. Thank you for your prayers and your love. They have magnified our hope. They have carried us through our fears. They have sustained us in our sorrow. While I hesitate to ask for more, I know the difference they will make for all that is to come. Love, Dawn Megan Sparks Bracken Matt Bracken Luke Sparks Dave and Dawns Army of Hope
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:08:33 +0000

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