What happened, did someone tell the War Room aka Cuss Out Room - TopicsExpress


What happened, did someone tell the War Room aka Cuss Out Room that their strategy was not working? Here is announcement of a proposed change: Starting next week and moving forward we want to deal with the ndp manifesto what we like, what we dont like, what we think need to improved, talk more about what Mr Eustace have to offer and lots more... while we expose the worthless theiving no good ulpmnu who can start a race but dont no how to finish... we will finish the race for dem... n show dem once ndp get in power how a country shud govern with justic for all. We will not have a red party a green party a yellow party but we will have a S.V.G where every one will be equal.. you work hard you get ahead and United we all will stand in one accord.. time to turn the next page ulp time is up dem run out of ideas now the only idea dem have now us to thief n victimize ppl n shud down ppl Facebook page Cuban style.. — with Clemroy Bert Francois and 48 others. Top of Form Share 17 people like this. Remove Molton Adrian Joyette Mayers I am ready and agree with that one War Room But Marcus you do not want to let out to much of our MANIFESTO To these Thieving wicked people to get our Ideas before time my Buddy as it is not to really pressure the opposition it is to remove these Ulp/Mnu people my buddy 2 hrs • Edited • 1 Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Permit me to go first...If everyone in the WAR ROOM is of the firm belief that the ULP/MNU Government is doing such a bad job at running SVG...why not Pressure the Opposition NDP into doing much better that what they are doing presently. #JUSTSAYING 2 hrs • 2 Remove War Room Ok guy Psychadelic Fugitive ask a very good question. Excellent start 2 hrs Remove Canute Patrick Campbell Psychadelic Fugitive........We may have to arrest you as you seems to be wanted for many crimes including this comment......Arnhim Eustace is not the Government and dont have to do nothing other than to oppose bogus and illegal and corrupt legislation of the ruling party if the police and the Mr Speaker would allow him to do so, and not physically throw him and his colleagues out of parliament. 2 hrs • 6 Remove Canute Patrick Campbell Will be back to hear more about the US versus this SVG under Ralph. 2 hrs • 2 Remove Dane Bowman Evidently Psych doesnt understand that the ULPMNUYOULIMO government controls the AG, DPP, COP, ESU, BLACK SQUAD and a massive BUNCH OF HOUSE NEGROES, so the opposition is unable to function as in other countries. 2 hrs • 6 Remove Weena Roberts Start the ball rolling I,am ready to go but dont make dem peep in our manifesto.we have to careful because remember dem does misappropriated all our ideas.please be donor make any mistake with those psychopathic thieves 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway Dane Bowman I think he understand its just another slick way of distraction trying to take attention away from this corrupted ULP Govt. and past the blame onto the opposition.....nice try though but not this time !!! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Yolande Haywood What can an opposing party do without funds oh lets see block roads shut down the town March everyday oh go on radio stations and talk then your poor station get closed down and oh when you March u out of work n picney starve hmmmm me cant vote ok me just airing views and looking on in this day and age we all know people cant even talk or else is jail you gone so we all have to be soooo careful so let me ask do we have freedom of speech anymore no because soon all media will be given a bashing if they dont agree I am one who be silent but knows when to speak now tell me this what can a poor party do without funds eh fix the road build a bridge be careful what we say up in here 2 hrs • 2 Remove Lucy Locket Oh ho, Winston Hadaway, oh ho. 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway First the opposing Party have to gain control via elections plain and simple! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway The only media outlet taking a bashing in SVG is Nice Radio all the others are toothless!!! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Luzette King I cant wait for this discussion and leave the gutter-politics to those who have mastered the art on radio, in cyberspace and on the ground... 1 hr • Edited • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway I wonder what all the NDP bashers have to say about their ULP Govt. corruption I bet nothing!!! 1 hr • 1 Remove George Williams Psychadelic Fugitive you tell us what you would have done if you were the opposition facing this corrupt and inept Regime give Us Some Ideas If You Dare. 59 mins Remove Luzette King Psychadelic, other than bringing about a road block revolution what did the ULP or any other party in opposition do that the NDP is not doing as an opposition party? 59 mins • 1 Remove Bryan Alexander To you Psychadelic Fugitive>>>>> FOR THE NDP PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THE PARTY IS NOT DOING ENOUGH. ================================================= The NDP lost to a landslide victory at the hands of the ULP in 2001, since then the NDP has moved from three seats and 39% of the votes casted to seven seats and 50% of the votes casted. The Party has organized 8 pickets of the house of Parliament and the financial complex, three attempted shut down of the City, and five candle light marches. The NDP through its leader shut down a sitting of the house of Parliament through public disobedience causing the Dictator and its members to back off from passing one of the most oppressive BILLS in history, Representation of the Peoples Act. That day the Opposition members were clobbered by the Dictators mongoose force. What else we want the Party to do?? The Party has supported all Bills that benefited the Nation and opposed those that were not. Please take a look at some of the things our Leader and his Party has accomplished thus far. 1. Forced the Government to repeal the damaging “Produce and Commodities Bill”. 2. Forced the Government to take VAT off some imported items; they still would not budge on the local goods. 3. Signed on to all of the progressive Bills in the House of Parliament. 4. Attracted intelligent/qualified electoral candidates to the NDP . 5. United the Party after its humiliating defeat in 2001. 6. Stayed with the party after it was marked down for doom by former members. 7. Continues to attract increasing support during every election. 8. Increased the seats in the House by 4 and grew the popular vote by 5% [over 5,000 votes]. In comparison, the ULP’s vote decreased by 3.5%. 9. Was able, in challenging circumstances, to create an atmosphere of peace and offer sober counsel, even in the face of opposition from his own party members. 10. Cleared the NDP’s name of past corruption charges. Today, the NDP stands out as the Party with integrity and free of wrong doing. 11. Called for a KINDER AND GENTLER SOCIETY in the face of rising social and political aggression. 12. Enhanced democracy within the party by opening the vote for a political leader to all delegates. 13. Placed the party in a favorable position to attract undecided voters and ULP supporters. 14. Assisted thousands of school children without government help. 15. Prevented changes to the representation of the peoples act by his act of civil disobedience in the House of Parliament. 16. Continues to engage and give hope to the marginalized 17. Provided financial support to those families who lost loved ones in the December floods 18. Sought and obtained assistance for medical help for dozens of Vincentians. 19. Demonstrates true leadership abilities by adequately predicting and forecasting economic trends in SVG 20. A guardian of the NIS 21. Demonstrates dignified statesmanship by his consistently courteous attitude to contentious matters of state. 22. Raised thousands of dollars to cover customs duties on relief items for flood victims after the ULP government imposed and announced customs duties on relief sent by Vincentians abroad. 23. Provides stark contrast to the leader of the ULP in terms of his ability to competently assess risk, fiscal prudence without drama, trustworthiness, truthfulness, integrity and genuine respect for the people of SVG. WHAT MORE CAN THE PARTY DO?? 46 mins • 3 Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Permission to speak freely again, but...ACTION SPEAKS MUCH LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! 39 mins • 1 Remove Luzette King Psychadelic, here we are trying to develop a debate and this is your response? The issue is still outstanding and needs a serious debate so again... What actions should be taken by the NDP as a parliamentary opposition party that would be louder than their words? 29 mins • 1 Remove Bryan Alexander The following is action, maybe you did not read my brother Psychadelic Fugitive; The Party has organized 8 pickets of the house of Parliament and the financial complex, three attempted shut down of the City, and five candle light marches. The NDP through its leader shut down a sitting of the house of Parliament through public disobedience causing the Dictator and its members to back off from passing one of the most oppressive BILLS in history, Representation of the Peoples Act. That day the Opposition members were clobbered by the Dictators mongoose force. What else we want the Party to do?? Spread LOVE not HATE. 28 mins • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway Distractions Bryan distractions!!!! 23 mins • 1 Remove Canute Patrick Campbell I was hoping that this Psyhaldelic Man would have come back and give us a few pointers but it seems as though he has been arrested by the bosses, or maybe he is consulting with his Massa to get the right answers according to ULP Style. 23 mins • 1 Remove Luzette King Let us not rush to such judgment before giving the guy a chance to develop his point.. We should be encouraging debates like this... 21 mins • 1 Remove George Williams Still waiting on you Psychadelic Fugitive for your Valuable Ideas As To What The Opposition Should Be Doing To Speak Louder Than What They Are Doing At Present Its seems like your words are speaking Louder Than Your Actions. 17 mins • Edited Remove Canute Patrick Campbell War Room folks, I have a question, maybe two............What is the meaning of a Manifesto...........Isnt it a document of promises and plans of a political party who is running for an election?........... Shouldnt it be broadcasted to all citizens so...See More 14 mins Remove Luzette King This does need a serious discussion. of that, I am convinced and am eager to have it with Psychadelic!! 14 mins • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway Luzette King I think we need to encourage debates at all cost, but usually a monkey wrench when thrown into the program with a hidden agenda is still a monkey wrench which takes away from the true purpose of fostering such debates and eventually wasting valuable time and energy. 8 mins Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Now you see, thats our problem here. Most people would love to go down the political route with this, but i prefer to deal with reality. I liked the LIST that you posted Bryan Alexander all Im saying is that the list looks good. But the time for ju...See More 7 mins Bottom of Form News Feed Bryan Alexander 2 hrs • Edited • SVG TOUGH NO RASS. https://youtube/watch?v=TXxOU49TVKA Toots & The Maytals - Time Tough Studio version of Time Tough, from Toots & The Maytals album, Funky Kingston. youtube Top of Form Share 2 people like this. Bottom of Form Bryan Alexander 3 hrs • Edited • The act of stealing is why one is charged, and the amount of cash decides the severity of the sentencing. The lady giving back the $300,000.00 has nothing to do with the case; she was placed in a position of trust and broke that trust when she stole, and its for that why she should be punished. You ULP wicked people can spin all you all want, if it was a prominent NDP female Lawyer who committed that offense, you all would be tearing up the town for blood, you all unfair -----ers. Top of Form Share 22 people like this. View 13 more comments Remove Bryan Alexander Shirla Williams,I think you are right. This lady must have the Government krooks by their balls and I hear it has to do with birth certificates and Passports. Spread LOVE not HATE. 48 mins • 2 Remove Shirla Williams Old people say sense ah chubble.. The bowlly will buss soon.. 43 mins • 1 Remove Allison Adams Well am glad she had to pay bck the money plus a fine,it wont hve been fair if she kept the money n go prisin where tax payers supportin her #jussayin 20 mins Remove Girie Fukinise People can say all they want. The truth is and always will be the truth. The truth is our justice system only works for a chosen few. That is a fact and who doubt that is only doing so because they are from the clique of the chosen few. You get justice...See More 12 mins Bottom of Form Starting next week and moving forward we want to deal with the ndp manifesto what we like, what we dont like, what we think need to improved, talk more about what Mr Eustace have to offer and lots more... while we expose the worthless theiving no good ulpmnu who can start a race but dont no how to finish... we will finish the race for dem... n show dem once ndp get in power how a country shud govern with justic for all. We will not have a red party a green party a yellow party but we will have a S.V.G where every one will be equal.. you work hard you get ahead and United we all will stand in one accord.. time to turn the next page ulp time is up dem run out of ideas now the only idea dem have now us to thief n victimize ppl n shud down ppl Facebook page Cuban style.. — with Clemroy Bert Francois and 48 others. Top of Form Share 17 people like this. Remove Molton Adrian Joyette Mayers I am ready and agree with that one War Room But Marcus you do not want to let out to much of our MANIFESTO To these Thieving wicked people to get our Ideas before time my Buddy as it is not to really pressure the opposition it is to remove these Ulp/Mnu people my buddy 2 hrs • Edited • 1 Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Permit me to go first...If everyone in the WAR ROOM is of the firm belief that the ULP/MNU Government is doing such a bad job at running SVG...why not Pressure the Opposition NDP into doing much better that what they are doing presently. #JUSTSAYING 2 hrs • 2 Remove War Room Ok guy Psychadelic Fugitive ask a very good question. Excellent start 2 hrs Remove Canute Patrick Campbell Psychadelic Fugitive........We may have to arrest you as you seems to be wanted for many crimes including this comment......Arnhim Eustace is not the Government and dont have to do nothing other than to oppose bogus and illegal and corrupt legislation of the ruling party if the police and the Mr Speaker would allow him to do so, and not physically throw him and his colleagues out of parliament. 2 hrs • 6 Remove Canute Patrick Campbell Will be back to hear more about the US versus this SVG under Ralph. 2 hrs • 2 Remove Dane Bowman Evidently Psych doesnt understand that the ULPMNUYOULIMO government controls the AG, DPP, COP, ESU, BLACK SQUAD and a massive BUNCH OF HOUSE NEGROES, so the opposition is unable to function as in other countries. 2 hrs • 6 Remove Weena Roberts Start the ball rolling I,am ready to go but dont make dem peep in our manifesto.we have to careful because remember dem does misappropriated all our ideas.please be donor make any mistake with those psychopathic thieves 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway Dane Bowman I think he understand its just another slick way of distraction trying to take attention away from this corrupted ULP Govt. and past the blame onto the opposition.....nice try though but not this time !!! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Yolande Haywood What can an opposing party do without funds oh lets see block roads shut down the town March everyday oh go on radio stations and talk then your poor station get closed down and oh when you March u out of work n picney starve hmmmm me cant vote ok me just airing views and looking on in this day and age we all know people cant even talk or else is jail you gone so we all have to be soooo careful so let me ask do we have freedom of speech anymore no because soon all media will be given a bashing if they dont agree I am one who be silent but knows when to speak now tell me this what can a poor party do without funds eh fix the road build a bridge be careful what we say up in here 2 hrs • 2 Remove Lucy Locket Oh ho, Winston Hadaway, oh ho. 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway First the opposing Party have to gain control via elections plain and simple! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Winston Hadaway The only media outlet taking a bashing in SVG is Nice Radio all the others are toothless!!! 2 hrs • 2 Remove Luzette King I cant wait for this discussion and leave the gutter-politics to those who have mastered the art on radio, in cyberspace and on the ground... 1 hr • Edited • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway I wonder what all the NDP bashers have to say about their ULP Govt. corruption I bet nothing!!! 1 hr • 1 Remove George Williams Psychadelic Fugitive you tell us what you would have done if you were the opposition facing this corrupt and inept Regime give Us Some Ideas If You Dare. 59 mins Remove Luzette King Psychadelic, other than bringing about a road block revolution what did the ULP or any other party in opposition do that the NDP is not doing as an opposition party? 59 mins • 1 Remove Bryan Alexander To you Psychadelic Fugitive>>>>> FOR THE NDP PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THE PARTY IS NOT DOING ENOUGH. ================================================= The NDP lost to a landslide victory at the hands of the ULP in 2001, since then the NDP has moved from three seats and 39% of the votes casted to seven seats and 50% of the votes casted. The Party has organized 8 pickets of the house of Parliament and the financial complex, three attempted shut down of the City, and five candle light marches. The NDP through its leader shut down a sitting of the house of Parliament through public disobedience causing the Dictator and its members to back off from passing one of the most oppressive BILLS in history, Representation of the Peoples Act. That day the Opposition members were clobbered by the Dictators mongoose force. What else we want the Party to do?? The Party has supported all Bills that benefited the Nation and opposed those that were not. Please take a look at some of the things our Leader and his Party has accomplished thus far. 1. Forced the Government to repeal the damaging “Produce and Commodities Bill”. 2. Forced the Government to take VAT off some imported items; they still would not budge on the local goods. 3. Signed on to all of the progressive Bills in the House of Parliament. 4. Attracted intelligent/qualified electoral candidates to the NDP . 5. United the Party after its humiliating defeat in 2001. 6. Stayed with the party after it was marked down for doom by former members. 7. Continues to attract increasing support during every election. 8. Increased the seats in the House by 4 and grew the popular vote by 5% [over 5,000 votes]. In comparison, the ULP’s vote decreased by 3.5%. 9. Was able, in challenging circumstances, to create an atmosphere of peace and offer sober counsel, even in the face of opposition from his own party members. 10. Cleared the NDP’s name of past corruption charges. Today, the NDP stands out as the Party with integrity and free of wrong doing. 11. Called for a KINDER AND GENTLER SOCIETY in the face of rising social and political aggression. 12. Enhanced democracy within the party by opening the vote for a political leader to all delegates. 13. Placed the party in a favorable position to attract undecided voters and ULP supporters. 14. Assisted thousands of school children without government help. 15. Prevented changes to the representation of the peoples act by his act of civil disobedience in the House of Parliament. 16. Continues to engage and give hope to the marginalized 17. Provided financial support to those families who lost loved ones in the December floods 18. Sought and obtained assistance for medical help for dozens of Vincentians. 19. Demonstrates true leadership abilities by adequately predicting and forecasting economic trends in SVG 20. A guardian of the NIS 21. Demonstrates dignified statesmanship by his consistently courteous attitude to contentious matters of state. 22. Raised thousands of dollars to cover customs duties on relief items for flood victims after the ULP government imposed and announced customs duties on relief sent by Vincentians abroad. 23. Provides stark contrast to the leader of the ULP in terms of his ability to competently assess risk, fiscal prudence without drama, trustworthiness, truthfulness, integrity and genuine respect for the people of SVG. WHAT MORE CAN THE PARTY DO?? 46 mins • 3 Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Permission to speak freely again, but...ACTION SPEAKS MUCH LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! 39 mins • 1 Remove Luzette King Psychadelic, here we are trying to develop a debate and this is your response? The issue is still outstanding and needs a serious debate so again... What actions should be taken by the NDP as a parliamentary opposition party that would be louder than their words? 29 mins • 1 Remove Bryan Alexander The following is action, maybe you did not read my brother Psychadelic Fugitive; The Party has organized 8 pickets of the house of Parliament and the financial complex, three attempted shut down of the City, and five candle light marches. The NDP through its leader shut down a sitting of the house of Parliament through public disobedience causing the Dictator and its members to back off from passing one of the most oppressive BILLS in history, Representation of the Peoples Act. That day the Opposition members were clobbered by the Dictators mongoose force. What else we want the Party to do?? Spread LOVE not HATE. 28 mins • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway Distractions Bryan distractions!!!! 23 mins • 1 Remove Canute Patrick Campbell I was hoping that this Psyhaldelic Man would have come back and give us a few pointers but it seems as though he has been arrested by the bosses, or maybe he is consulting with his Massa to get the right answers according to ULP Style. 23 mins • 1 Remove Luzette King Let us not rush to such judgment before giving the guy a chance to develop his point.. We should be encouraging debates like this... 21 mins • 1 Remove George Williams Still waiting on you Psychadelic Fugitive for your Valuable Ideas As To What The Opposition Should Be Doing To Speak Louder Than What They Are Doing At Present Its seems like your words are speaking Louder Than Your Actions. 17 mins • Edited Remove Canute Patrick Campbell War Room folks, I have a question, maybe two............What is the meaning of a Manifesto...........Isnt it a document of promises and plans of a political party who is running for an election?........... Shouldnt it be broadcasted to all citizens so...See More 14 mins Remove Luzette King This does need a serious discussion. of that, I am convinced and am eager to have it with Psychadelic!! 14 mins • 1 Remove Winston Hadaway Luzette King I think we need to encourage debates at all cost, but usually a monkey wrench when thrown into the program with a hidden agenda is still a monkey wrench which takes away from the true purpose of fostering such debates and eventually wasting valuable time and energy. 8 mins Remove Psychadelic Fugitive Now you see, thats our problem here. Most people would love to go down the political route with this, but i prefer to deal with reality. I liked the LIST that you posted Bryan Alexander all Im saying is that the list looks good. But the time for ju...See More 7 mins Bottom of Form News Feed Bryan Alexander 2 hrs • Edited • SVG TOUGH NO RASS. https://youtube/watch?v=TXxOU49TVKA Toots & The Maytals - Time Tough Studio version of Time Tough, from Toots & The Maytals album, Funky Kingston. youtube Top of Form Share 2 people like this. Bottom of Form Bryan Alexander 3 hrs • Edited • The act of stealing is why one is charged, and the amount of cash decides the severity of the sentencing. The lady giving back the $300,000.00 has nothing to do with the case; she was placed in a position of trust and broke that trust when she stole, and its for that why she should be punished. You ULP wicked people can spin all you all want, if it was a prominent NDP female Lawyer who committed that offense, you all would be tearing up the town for blood, you all unfair -----ers. Top of Form Share 22 people like this. View 13 more comments Remove Bryan Alexander Shirla Williams,I think you are right. This lady must have the Government krooks by their balls and I hear it has to do with birth certificates and Passports. Spread LOVE not HATE. 48 mins • 2 Remove Shirla Williams Old people say sense ah chubble.. The bowlly will buss soon.. 43 mins • 1 Remove Allison Adams Well am glad she had to pay bck the money plus a fine,it wont hve been fair if she kept the money n go prisin where tax payers supportin her #jussayin 20 mins Remove Girie Fukinise People can say all they want. The truth is and always will be the truth. The truth is our justice system only works for a chosen few. That is a fact and who doubt that is only doing so because they are from the clique of the chosen few. You get justice...See More 12 mins Bottom of Form
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:28:00 +0000

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