What happened to the K 4million Sirunki Food Marketing Depot - TopicsExpress


What happened to the K 4million Sirunki Food Marketing Depot Funding? The K 4million funding for the food Marketing Depot was part of the K 10 million Kina presented by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to former Laigaip Pogera MP Philip Kikala in March 2012 in Laigam station. There is virtually nothing to show for the money on ground in Sirunki to date and I as the man behind everything in drawing this funding from the Government purse is full of anxiety. I sacrificed a lot to Register Sirunki Farmers Association Inc. with IPA and subsequently wrote the Proposal to Former Minister for Implementation and Rural Development Moses Maladina. The aforementioned entity and the said Proposal was prepared following the Visionary Leader’s pledge of a Food marketing Depot to the populace of Sirunki whilst officiating at the Grand Opening of Yaskom Resort Hotel in Enga as the Guest Speaker on the 11th August 2011. As an educated elite from Sirunki I felt obliged to take the opportunity to give back what I owe to the people; thus, I registered the Association and prepared the proposal that saw Maladina expeditiously honouring his commitment. Instead of Paying the Money straight to Sirunki Farmers Association Inc. the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill decided to pay it to Lagaip District Treasury together with other Project funds totally K10. The Association’s attempts to get Philip Kikala to implement Sirunki food Marketing Depot was defiantly turned down. Hence, I believe he grossly misappropriated the funds. If the money had been paid straight to the Association, by now we would see a Depot operating in full force with the Association continuously knocking on Government, Private, NGOs, Donor agencies and individual doors’ for expertise, monetary and technical supports. Going to court to see justice being served on the culprits was impracticable to me as a self- Employed youth as going to court is one of the most expensive exercise here in our beautiful country. I convinced myself not to tell the poor farmers to dig deep into to their pockets to contribute as the money was already gone and the only outcome of court is to serve justice on the culprits. But I did what I can afford to do as I laid complaints with Ombudsman Commission, Fraud squad and even I wrote to Lagaip- Pogera MP Nixion Magape to lodge an independent investigation into the matter. To date I have not heard from these concern Authorities end on the same thus their silence is deafening. As a person who sacrificed a great deal with little help from poor farmers I would want nothing more than Authorities serving justice to the culprits. GOD Bless PNG!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:18:35 +0000

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