What happened today? After a breakfast of Swiss yogurt it was - TopicsExpress


What happened today? After a breakfast of Swiss yogurt it was so bright and blue that a gondola ride up the mountain was in order. After drinking in the sparkling 360 degree view of the Alps we set off to the WEF Congress centre. It was very crowded and I couldnt get into any of the sessions I wanted. I was disappointed because of course I’d carefully chosen each one. I decided instead to just go randomly wherever I could and this turned out to be a surprisingly good strategy for an interesting day. I went to a presentation on 3D printing (cool), a panel on Global Security (summary: Syria/Saudi Arabia/Iran and China/Japan) and an MIT session on Advanced Manufacturing where I learned about multipurpose robots, nano materials, solar printing and such (note to self: The Quantum Dots would be a cool band name). After that I stood still for a bit and had fascinating conversations with seemingly random people….except that I kept running into people I know. That was a surprise. I didnt expect to know anyone here. Towards the end of the day I parked myself at the bottom of the stairs to the main hall and watched the press swarm in on various world leaders as they came down the stairs. Where were they going? To a series of addresses from the prime ministers of Switzerland and Japan...so I went in to listen too and heard Shinto Abe explain his “Abenomics”. After a break where I honestly don’t remember a thing (it involved a comfy chair), there was a dinner discussion on the topic of personal digital data, with the mayor of Calgary, Danah Boyd, Erick Brynjolfsson and Peter Gabriel. A bath. Sleep (I hope).
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:29:33 +0000

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